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Datanotes Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)

Global Datanote: US CPI, August

Don’t panic, it's noise not signal; the core PCE probably rose by about 0.22%

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)Global

PM Datanote: US CPI, August

Don’t panic, it's noise not signal; the core PCE probably rose by about 0.22%.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

PM Datanote: US Personal Income & Spending, July

Undershooting the Fed’s June core PCE forecast for the third straight month.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

PM Datanote: US Jobless Claims, August 24

The rising trend has flattened off; expect a run of lower numbers this fall.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

PM Datanote: Existing Home Sales, July

Expect a small rise in H2 sales, but the weakening labor market will constrain activity.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

PM Datanote: US Jobless Claims, August 10

 Weekly data are noisy; the underlying trend is still deteriorating.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

PM Datanote: US industrial production, July

The underlying trend still looks flat; expect continued stagnation ahead.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

PM Datanote: US CPI, July

Another month of “good data”, implying a 0.13% core PCE print.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

US Jobless Claims

Underlying claims rising only slowly for now, but expect a faster deterioration ahead. 

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

PM Datanote: US Employment Report, July

This week’s Fed inaction was a mistake; the case for 50bp in September is strong. 

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

PM Datanote: US Jobless Claims / Philly Fed

Claims boosted by auto plant shutdowns and Hurricane Beryl, but the underlying trend is rising.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

PM Datanote: Housing Starts, June 2024

Tentative signs of recovery in the multi-family sector, but single-family starts look set to fall further.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

PM Datanote: US Retail Sales, June

Real consumption likely grew at a near-2% rate in Q2, down from 2023’s rapid pace.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

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independent macro research, Pantheon Macro, Pantheon Macroeconomics, independent research, ian shepherdson, economic intelligence