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Daily Monitor Duncan Wrigley

23 January 2024 China+ Monitor Korean exports' rising trend hits a bump in the road

  • Korean 20-day exports fell in January, defying our expectation for a continued rise.
  • But this is likely a blip; exports to the US slowed sharply, despite still-strong consumption there.
  • A surge in AI-related chip demand is likely to drive a gradual recovery in Korean exports this year.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

19 January 2024 China+ Monitor China's property sector still looking for the light at the end of the tunnel

  • China’s developer financing fell further in December, despite a new round of regulatory support.
  • Residential property-price declines also worsened, as investors offloaded excess properties.
  • More homebuyer support will likely be needed to drive a property-sector recovery.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

18 January 2024 China+ Monitor China's recovery lost steam in Q4, despite targeted stimulus

  • China’s real GDP growth slowed in Q4, hit by property-sector woes and soft consumption.
  • Targeted stimulus is giving a modest lift to manufacturing and fixed asset investment.
  • Industrial output is holding up relatively well, with carmakers bullish about prospects for this year.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

16 January 2024 China+ Monitor No rate cut for China, as fiscal stimulus anchors credit demand

  • The PBoC left the MLF rate unchanged yesterday, as policymakers assess the impact of recent easing.
  • Headline consumer inflation improved slightly in December, but core inflation remains sluggish.
  • Excess capacity is likely to weigh on manufactured goods prices in 2024.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

12 January 2024 China+ Monitor BoK Tweaks its Messaging, while Keeping Rates on Hold

  • The BoK left the policy rate unchanged yesterday, while hinting at future easing in its statement...
  • ...But Governor Rhee played down the likelihood of near-term rate cuts, worried about household debt.
  • The BoK is likely to start easing in Q3; but a sharp KRW appreciation could bring forward that shift.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

10 January 2024 China+ Monitor Cooling Tokyo Inflation Gives the BoJ Breathing Space

  • Tokyo consumer headline inflation continued to fall in December, as food inflation cooled.
  • Core inflation is slowing, as high import costs pass through the system gradually.
  • The BoJ will probably still exit its negative rate policy in Q2, despite slowing inflation and mediocre growth.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

9 January 2024 China+ Monitor China's Foreign Reserves Continue to Rise, as Yield Pressure Eases

  • China’s foreign reserves posted a second straight strong rise in December, as U.S. yields fell.
  • Both valuation effects and improved capital inflows drove the marked increase in reserves.
  • China’s pro-growth policy tilt is seen in the firing of an official, after new gaming rules hit stock prices. 

Duncan WrigleyChina+

5 January 2024 China+ Monitor China's Service Sector Continues to Lead a Soft Recovery

  • The Caixin PMI indicated rising service activity in December, in contrast to the depressed official PMI...
  • ...But the Caixin PMI has been a better leading indicator of services production recently.
  • Consumer services demand is likely to continue to outperform soft consumer goods demand in 2024.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

20 December 2023 China+ Monitor BoJ Not Shifting Its Policy Stance As Inflation Slows

  • The BoJ announced no change to its easy policy settings yesterday.
  • Falling U.S. yields have eased pressure on the yen, lessening the urgency of a BoJ policy shift.
  • The December flash PMIs indicate falling manufacturing demand, but resilient services activity.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

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