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Below is a list of our Publications for the last 6 months. If you are looking for reports older than 6 months please email, or contact your account rep.

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Duncan Wrigley

China+ Datanote: Caixin Manufacturing PMI, China, March

Chinese manufacturing demand improves after the Lunar New Year holiday 

Duncan WrigleyChina+

China+ Datanote: Exports, Korea, March

Korean exports propelled by resurgent semiconductor shipments

Duncan WrigleyChina+

CHINA+ DATA WRAP 2 April 2024: Post-holiday bump in Caixin and Korean PMIs

Post-holiday improvement in Caixin, Korean PMIs; Japanese Tankan fades; Korean exports sustain recovery trend

Duncan WrigleyChina+

3 April 2024 China+ Monitor Hopeful signs of a gradually broadening recovery in China

  • China’s March official and Caixin manufacturing PMIs were both above 50 for the first time since September.
  • A strong industrial sector is generating demand for business services too.
  • But the lacklustre labour market and dismal property sector will limit the speed of China’s recovery.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

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independent macro research, Pantheon Macro, Pantheon Macroeconomics, independent research, ian shepherdson, economic intelligence