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Duncan Wrigley

China+Datanote: BoK Decision, Korea, July

The BoK keeps the policy rate on hold, likely to make first cut in October

Duncan WrigleyChina+

CHINA+ DATA WRAP 11 July 2024 BoK policy decision

The BoK keeps the policy rate on hold, likely to make first cut in October

Duncan WrigleyChina+

12 July 2024 China+ Monitor BoK edges towards rate cuts, though export vigour reduces the urgency

  • The BoK held fast on the policy rate yesterday but shifted the focus to rate cuts.
  • Disinflation should continue in H2, despite the risks from higher import costs and the weak KRW.
  • Chip exports will likely drive GDP growth enough for the BoK to delay its first rate cut until October.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

China+Datanote: PPI, China, June

China’s producer deflation persistent, despite misleading improvement in headline

Duncan WrigleyChina+

CHINA+ DATA WRAP 10 July 2024

Chinese Inflation is Cooling, Thanks to an Uneven Recovery

Duncan WrigleyChina+

11 July 2024 China+ Monitor China's subdued consumer inflation reflects tepid demand and sentiment

  • China’s consumer inflation remained soft in June, as the 618 e-commerce event proved a damp squib.
  • Pork inflation is reviving, though most other food prices are still falling.
  • Headline producer price deflation eased in June, but largely thanks to international commodity inflation.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

9 July 2024 China+ Monitor Japanese wage growth steady, except for manufacturing workers

  • Overall Japanese wage growth remained sluggish in May, though manufacturing pay rose faster.
  • China’s foreign reserves were hit by currency- valuation effects and equity market outflows in June.
  • The PBoC’s additional OMO flexibility is likely signalling upcoming government-bond sales.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

CHINA+ DATA WRAP 8 July 2024 Japan's overall wage growth still sluggish

Japan's overall wage growth still sluggish

Improvement narrowly confined to full-time manufacturing workers

Duncan WrigleyChina+

China+ Datanote: Foreign Reserves, China, June

Foreign reserves hit by currency valuation effects and equity market outflows

Duncan WrigleyChina+

8 July 2024 China+ Monitor PBoC preparing to boost long-term bond yields

  • The PBoC announced last week it will borrow government bonds from primary dealers…
  • ...The Bank is likely to short bonds to drive up 10-year yields to 2.5% in H2, supporting CNY.
  • The Caixin service s PMI dipped in June, as tourism activity cooled during the off-season.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

5 July 2024 China+ Monitor Japan's profitable manufacturers have the weak currency to thank

  • Japan’s Q2 Tankan reveals buoyant manufacturer profitability, despite testing market conditions...
  • ...Largely explained by the weak JPY, spurring a surge in export value, while real exports are falling.
  • Japan’s H2 outlook is clouded by the dip in the Juneservices PMI and the auto safety fiasco.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

CHINA+ DATA WRAP 3 July 2024 China's Caixin services activity index slows

China's Caixin services activity index slows during tourism off-season

Duncan WrigleyChina+

4 July 2024 China+ Monitor Korean manufacturing riding the AI chip boom

  • Korea’s June headline manufacturing PMI rose to its highest level since April 2022.
  • Exports continued to power ahead in June, thanks to semiconductor exports for AI applications.
  • Rising import costs boost our conviction that the BoK will delay its first policy rate cut until Q4. 

Duncan WrigleyChina+

2 July 2024 China+ Monitor China's light industry outperforms heavy industry, amid soft demand

  • The Caixin manufacturing PMI continued to outpace the official index in June…
  • …reflecting better performance among light industries and high-tech than heavy industries.
  • The construction index was hit by extreme weather conditions, masking any stimulus impact.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

CHINA+ DATA WRAP 1 July 2024 Mixed picture for China's manufacturers

Mixed picture for China's manufacturers

Japanese and Korean firms hit by mounting import costs

Korean exports lifted by AI-chip demand

Duncan WrigleyChina+

China+Datanote: Tokyo CPI, Japan, June

Tokyo consumer inflation nudged up by the removal of energy subsidies

Duncan WrigleyChina+

1 July 2024 China+ Monitor BoJ relaxed about uptick in Tokyo inflation; more energy subsidies

  • Tokyo consumer inflation rose a touch in June, due to the removal of energy subsidies…
  • …But Japan plans to reinstate the subsidies, meaning little risk of a near-term inflation surge.
  • Japan’s encouraging May export growth figure reflects price rises, while real exports fell slightly.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

28 June 2024 China+ Monitor China's Third Plenum likely to focus on business-friendly reforms

  • Xinhua yesterday announced the reform-focused Third Plenum will be held on July 15-to-17.
  • We expect pro-business and-innovation reforms but no fundamental shift to consumption-based growth.
  • Industrial profits hit a soft patch in May, hurt by rising operating costs, despite improved revenue growth.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

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