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Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)

21 June 2024 US Monitor Hirings down, firings up; the warning signs for the labor market are clear

  • Falling hirings and rising firings are a toxic combination; job growth looks set to slow sharply.
  • May building permits suggest residential construction spending is falling at a 10% annualized pace. 
  • Existing home sales likely were unchanged in May; Fed rate cuts will facilitate only a sluggish recovery.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

20 June 2024 US Monitor Official rent inflation will slow much further, lagging private measures

  • Rent rises for new tenants have slowed sharply; the feared catch-up in CPI rent inflation is unlikely.
  • We expect annualized CPI housing inflation to slow to 3-to-4% over the next few quarters.
  • Q2 consumption is on course for a modest 2%, similar to Q1, after May's lacklustre retail sales data.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

19 June 2024 Global Monitor Another BoE hold but SNB likely to cut again

  • US - The FOMC is too optimistic with its unemployment forecast
  • EUROZONE - Markets still underestimating the amount of SNB easing
  • UK - MPC preview: leaving open the timing of the first rate cut
  • CHINA+ - BoJ commits to cutting JGB-buying, with details to be revealed in July
  • EM ASIA - Indian inflation heading into H2: a shift from mundane to manic
  • LATAM - Brazil’s economic activity losing steam amid mounting headwinds

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)Global

18 June 2024 US Monitor Homebase data consistent with the smallest rise in payrolls since October

  • Our Homebase model points to a mere 125K rise in private payrolls in June, the least since October.
  • Retail sales likely recovered in May from a subpar April, but the trend looks less robust.
  • Industrial production likely picked up in May; surveys have nudged up and hours worked have risen.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

17 June 2024 US Monitor The FOMC is too optimistic with its unemployment forecast

  • The Fed likely will have to revise up its unemployment forecast in September; the trend is rising.
  • Consumers’ confidence fell again in June, despite lower gas prices and a booming stock market.
  • The Empire State survey will help to assess the size of the shipping cost shock coming manufacturers’ way.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

PM Datanote: US PPI, May 2024

May core PCE likely rose just 0.11%, well below the Fed’s expectations.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

14 June 2024 US Monitor US May core PCE to undershoot the 2024 average run rate expected by the Fed

  • The CPI and PPI data imply that the core PCE deflator rose by just 0.11% in May…
  • …Below the 0.19% average run rate forecast by the Fed; September’s SEP update will support a rate cut.
  • The Michigan sentiment index probably bounced this month, but job loss worries seem to be mounting.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

PM Datanote: US PPI, June 2024

June core PCE likely rose just 0.15%; the Fed can prepare the ground for a September rate cut.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

Global Datanote: US CPI, May

Disinflation is back on track; expect two easings in today’s 2024 dot plot.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)Global

PM Datanote: US CPI, May

Disinflation is back on track; expect two easings in today’s 2024 dot plot.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

13 June 2024 US Monitor The Fed's hawkish dotplot is likely to have a short shelf life

  • The Fed’s hawkish dotplot is likely to have a short shelf life; the data will force faster easing than they expect.
  • The May core CPI slowdown was deep-rooted; we expect just 0.20% average gains through year-end.
  •  CPI data signal a 0.16% rise in the core PCE deflator, but we will finalize our estimate after today’s PPI.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

12 June 2024 Global Monitor European election aftermath rattles markets

  • US - September easing remains a decent base case, despite May payrolls
  • EUROZONE - Domestic political risk returns to Eurozone financial markets
  • UK - Labour market data help the chances of an August rate cut
  • CHINA+ - China’s exports turn the corner; on track for modest growth this year
  • EM ASIA - An August RBI rate cut seems both so close and yet so far
  • LATAM - Brazil’s economic momentum hits a speed bump after promising Q1

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)Global

12 June 2024 US Monitor The FOMC will raise its 2024 inflation forecasts, and likely drop one easing

  • The high core PCE prints in Q1 will force the Fed to revise up its Q4 forecast, and cut one easing.
  • A jump in used car and vehicle insurance prices probably drove a 0.3% increase in the May core CPI...
  • ...But core services CPI inflation likely slowed further, indicating monetary policy is tight enough.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

11 June 2024 US Monitor Inflation and Wage Expectations are no barrier to Fed easing

  • The NY Fed survey shows wage growth and long-run inflation expectations are in line with the 2010s. 
  • People plan to spend 5% more over the next year, but expectations correlate poorly with actual spending.
  • Tight credit conditions are weighing heavily on small firms, an ominous sign for the economy at large.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

10 June 2024 US Monitor Core September easing remains a decent base case, despite May payrolls

  • The initial estimate of a brisk 272K rise in May payrolls likely will be revised down, given many weak indicators.
  • The case for firms to hoard staff is weakening as the unemployment rate grinds higher.
  • The unwinding of a calendar quirk drove May’s jump in average hourly earnings; the trend still is slowing.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

7 June 2024 US Monitor Private payrolls likely rose in May at the slowest pace since October

  • The Homebase data were revised as we expected, so we are sticking with our 180K May payroll forecast.
  • Rising jobless claims and the NFIB’s very weak hiring intentions index signal soft summer payrolls.
  • We look for a 0.3% rise in average hourly earnings; a calendar quirk points to slight upside risk.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

PM Datanote: US ADP Employment Report, May

ADP is too unreliable to take seriously, though it’s consistent with our payroll forecast.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

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