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Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder) Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)

6 September 2024 LatAm Monitor BCCh cuts rates and projects a faster path to neutral by mid-2025

  • The BCCh resumed its easing, reflecting weaker growth and stable inflation expectations.
  • The Bank signalled a faster path to neutral, in Q2 2025, acknowledging weaker domestic demand.
  • We expect further rate cuts, to 5% by late Q4 and 4% by Q2 2025, but uncertainty is elevated.

Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)Latin America

5 September 2024 US Monitor The case for another sluggish payroll print in August remains solid

  • Homebase data point to strong August payrolls, but most other indicators signal another weak print.  
  • Our 125K forecast for private payrolls will be unaffected by ADP’s estimate today, whatever it says.
  • Q3 GDP looks set to rise at a modest 1½% rate, despite recent momentum in real consumption. 

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

4 September 2024 Global Monitor India's slowdown isn't over

  • US - Rapid Fed easing warranted despite solid consumer momentum 
  • EUROZONE - Italian growth will improve, despite construction capex dwindling 
  • UK- UK still vulnerable to energy price shocks
  • CHINA+ - China’s aging housing stock another reason for people to save
  • EM ASIA - Rural consumption reviving, but India’s GDP slowdown isn’t over
  • LATAM - Brazil’s labour market starting to show signs of moderation

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)Global

4 September 2024 US Monitor The ongoing manufacturing malaise is a headwind for the economy

  • The details of the August ISM manufacturing survey are bleak, despite the uptick in the headline.
  • Weakness in the manufacturing sector looks set to remain a small drag on payrolls and growth.
  • The July JOLTS report will reinforce the message that the labor market is cooling. 

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

4 September 2024 LatAm Monitor Brazil enjoys strong growth in H1, but challenges loom near term

  • Brazil’s GDP surged 1.4% quarter-to-quarter in Q2, driven by strong industrial and service sector growth.
  • Labour-market strength and government spending bolstered the economic recovery in H1…
  • …But challenges loom: fiscal pressures and weakening indicators signal a potential slowdown.

Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)Latin America

Global Datanote: GDP, Second Quarter, Brazil, 2024

  • In one line: GDP growth surges in Q2 amid strong labour market.

Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)Global

PM Datanote: Unemployment rate, Brazil, July, 2024

  • In one line: Unemployment declines but economic challenges lie ahead.

Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)Latin America

PM Datanote: Industrial Production, Retail Sales, Chile, July, 2024

  • In one line: Mixed start to Q3, with industrial gains amid consumption challenges.

Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)Latin America

PM Datanote: US Personal Income & Spending, July

Undershooting the Fed’s June core PCE forecast for the third straight month.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

PM Datanote: US Jobless Claims, August 24

The rising trend has flattened off; expect a run of lower numbers this fall.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

3 September 2024 US Monitor Rapid Fed easing warranted despite solid consumer momentum

  • The core PCE deflator undershot the Fed’s forecast yet again in July; expect more benign prints in H2.
  • Recent strength in consumption lacks solid foundations; the saving rate will be higher a year from now.
  • The ISM probably remained soft in August, pointing to weak growth in manufacturing employment

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

3 September 2024 LatAm Monitor Peru's core inflation hits the target, enabling BCRP to ease further

  • Peru’s inflation is easing, as the core rate has hit BCRP’s target; it likely will continue to cut rates.
  • Chile’s economic activity rebounded in July, but challenges are persisting in key sectors.
  • Colombia’s labour market is sending mixed signals amid an uneven economic recovery.

Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)Latin America

2 September 2024 LatAm Monitor Brazil's labour market starting to show signs of moderation

  • Brazil’s labour market showed resilience in H1, yet signs of a gradual slowdown are starting to emerge.
  • Leading indicators signal the labour market is plateauing, due to tighter financial conditions.
  • Industrial gains offset consumption challenges in Chile; the recovery remains sluggish.

Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)Latin America

30 August 2024 US Monitor Continuing claims data suggest the jump in unemployment is overstated

  • The small recent rise in continuing claims suggests July’s unemployment rate was overestimated.
  • We are pencilling in a 0.1pp dip in the rate to 4.2% in August, despite the worsening trend.
  • The rapid 2.9% growth in consumers’ spending in Q2 looks unsustainable; expect a sharp slowdown.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

30 August 2024 LatAm Monitor BCCh likely to continue easing as Chile's economy struggles

  • Chile’s latest data paint a picture of a struggling economy, with risks tilted to the downside.
  • We expect the BCCh to resume rate cuts to support the economic upturn, but electricity tariffs pose a risk.
  • Improving external demand, rate cuts and Fed easing will support the economic recovery in 2025.

Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)Latin America

29 August 2024 US Monitor Claims likely to dip this fall, but payroll growth will slow regardless

  • We look for little change in in initial jobless claims today, and a run of lower numbers this fall…
  • …Leading indicators have improved and the seasonals will help; but lower hiring will slow job gains.
  • The hit to growth from the rising trade deficit will be offset by boosts from inventories and investment.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

28 August 2024 LatAm Monitor Banxico's shift towards easing amid global noise and domestic risks

  • Mexico’s economic outlook suggests a continued shift towards monetary policy easing.
  • Declining core inflation and stagnant economic activity will allow Banxico to cut rates further.
  • The US Fed’s incoming easing cycle is one of the key reasons for further normalisation, but risks remain.

Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)Latin America

28 August 2024 Global Monitor Olympics boost spares the EZ's blushes

  • US - Dovish pivot complete; the Fed now has serious catching-up to do
  • EUROZONE - Olympic boost to the EZ PMIs, and a big drop in Q2 wage growth
  • UK- Higher output, lower inflation; MPC will still be wary of labour demand
  • CHINA+ - China’s consumption struggles amid low confidence and policy challenges
  • EM ASIA - BoT held, again, but is becoming anxious about domestic demand 
  • LATAM - COPOM’s cautious stance amid inflation risks and economic threats

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)Global

28 August 2024 US Monitor A 0.1% core PCE print for July is more likely than 0.2%

  • We look for a 0.13% rise in the July core PCE deflator, implying downside risk to the 0.2% consensus.
  • Real consumption probably rose by 0.3% in July, setting up a strong base for growth in Q3…
  • …But we expect a slowdown ahead, due to weak income growth and rising the saving rate. 

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

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