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Pantheon Publications

Below is a list of our Publications for the last 6 months. If you are looking for reports older than 6 months please email, or contact your account rep.

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Global Miguel Chanco (Chief EM Asia Economist)

Global Datanote: Reserve Bank of India Decision

  • In one line: A cut in August now certainly looks off the table.

Miguel Chanco (Chief EM Asia Economist)Global

Global Datanote: Manufacturing PMI, ASEAN, May

  • In one line: ASEAN’s main exporters are finally staging a revival… slowly.

Miguel Chanco (Chief EM Asia Economist)Global

Global Datanote: Trade, Indonesia, April

  • In one line: A poorer start to Q2 than suggested by the already-soft headline rates.

Miguel Chanco (Chief EM Asia Economist)Global

Global Datanote: CPI, India, April

  • In one line: Food inflation remains frustratingly sticky; clearer signs that core has bottomed-out.

Miguel Chanco (Chief EM Asia Economist)Global

Global Datanote: Industrial Production, India, March

  • In one line: Soft, as we cautioned, and the big picture isn’t looking great either.

Miguel Chanco (Chief EM Asia Economist)Global

Global Datanote: CPI, Indonesia, April

  • In one line: Food inflation finally turns a corner; more of this, please.

Miguel Chanco (Chief EM Asia Economist)Global

Global Datanote: Manufacturing PMI, ASEAN, April

  • In one line: Export-oriented manufacturers continue to underperform.

Miguel Chanco (Chief EM Asia Economist)Global

Global Datanote: Trade, Indonesia, March

  • In one line: Things are suddenly turning up for exports.

Miguel Chanco (Chief EM Asia Economist)Global

Global Datanote: March CPI & February IP, India

  • In one line: LPG price cut pulls inflation down below 5% for the first time since October; don’t be fooled by the jolt in IP growth.

Miguel Chanco (Chief EM Asia Economist)Global

Global Datanote: Bank of Thailand Decision

  • In one line: Independence sufficiently proven, prep for a June cut.

Miguel Chanco (Chief EM Asia Economist)Global

Global Datanote: Bank Indonesia Decision

  • In one line: Still waiting for the first of a couple green lights.

Miguel Chanco (Chief EM Asia Economist)Global

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Keywords for: Publications

independent macro research, Pantheon Macro, Pantheon Macroeconomics, independent research, ian shepherdson, economic intelligence