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Daily Monitor

3 May 2024 Emerging Asia Monitor Much-needed reality check for the recovery in ASEAN exports

  • The turnaround in ASEAN’s manufacturing PMI remains largely intact, despite the April slip…
  • …But the region’s more export-oriented countries are still underperforming; orders remain in the red.
  • Indonesian inflation saw a positive downside surprise in April, as food inflation turned a corner.

Miguel Chanco (Chief EM Asia Economist)Emerging Asia

3 May 2024 US Monitor Homebase, NFIB signal downside payroll risk, but no guarantees

  • Both the Homebase data and the NFIB survey signal slower job growth in April, but the numbers are noisy.
  • One softer print would not trigger a Fed response, but it would make the May number critical for markets.
  • The ISM services survey likely will provide further reassurance on the underlying inflation outlook.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

3 May 2024 LatAm Monitor LatAm policymakers face challenges amid shifting Fed expectations

  • The Fed likely will start easing in late Q3; LatAm policymakers will have a more difficult task ahead.
  • Colombia’s BanRep met expectations with a ‘bold’ 50bp rate cut; we expect more of the same.
  • Chile’s economy faced challenges at the end of Q1, yet the fundamental trend remains positive.

Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)Latin America

3 May 2024 China+ Monitor Glass-half-full Korean PMI: higher output but also higher costs

  • Korea’s April manufacturing PMI points to improving output and demand trends year-to-date.
  • But burgeoning cost pressures are making firms cautious on hiring and inventory purchasing.
  • The BoK is likely to worry about these cost pressures disrupting the slowing trend in consumer inflation.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

3 May 2024 Eurozone Monitor Still three more SNB cuts this year, despite rising inflation in April

  • Swiss inflation rose in April on the back of a broad- based increase in prices...
  • ...It should fall again to near 1% in coming months, though, so the SNB can continue its cutting cycle.
  • We continue to look for more rate cuts this year than the consensus; 75bp-worth.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

3 May 2024 UK Monitor MPC Preview: set to signal more cuts than the market expects

  • Inflation and growth have beaten MPC forecasts, but market rate expectations have overreacted.
  • So, next week’s new MPC forecasts will signal earlier and more cuts than the market is currently pricing.
  • We expect the MPC to vote 8-to-1 to keep rates onhold and still look for the first cut in June.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

2 May 2024 US Monitor No hawkish Fed pivot, and hints of emerging worried about the labor market

  • Chair Powell batted away talk of a further rate hike, and hinted that labor market fears are emerging.
  • Everything will change if payroll growth slows sharply; that won't happen overnight, but it is coming.
  • Still no signs of a real manufacturing recovery, and inflation risks from the sector are minimal.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

2 May 2024 LatAm Monitor The Fed's Cautious Approach Raises Concerns

  • Mexican Peso —  Underperforming amid risk-off
  • Colombian Peso —Resilience amid gradual rate cuts
  • Chilean Peso — Poised for rebound amid benign factors

Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)Latin America

2 May 2024 China+ Monitor Korea's export recovery continues, bolstered by microchip revival

  • Korea’s WDA exports have grown solidly in recent months, pointing to a sustained recovery in demand.
  • Semiconductors accounted for 70% of growth in April; both US and Chinese demand was resilient.
  • Weak currency played a role in supporting exports; the level of export values is still below that in 2022.

Kelvin Lam (Senior China+ Economist)China+

2 May 2024 Eurozone Monitor What if the ECB does nothing? We wouldn't recommend it

  • Real rates are still rising sharply in the Eurozone; it makes sense for the ECB to cut rates soon.
  • Bonds are not priced for the ECB deposit rate to stay at 4%; if they were, yields would be a lot higher.
  • What are the ECB’s assumptions for rates underlying its inflation forecasts? Answers on a postcard…

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

2 May 2024 UK Monitor GDP likely grew 0.4% quarter-to- quarter in Q1

  • We think GDP was unchanged in March, after rising 0.1% in February.
  • That would be enough to deliver Q1 growth of 0.4% quarter-to-quarter, above the MPC’s 0.1% forecast.
  • Consumer services contributed 0.16pp of that, but the turnaround has been

broad-based across sectors.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

1 May 2024 US Monitor Chair Powell's message will stick to the line: Better inflation data needed

  • The FOMC will likely take a hard line on easing today, despite abundant warnings of a weaker labor market.
  • The disappointing Q1 ECI is not definitive; leading indicators signal downward pressure on wage growth.
  • Ignore the ADP and JOLTS job openings today; the JOLTS quits rate matters far more.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

1 May 2024 LatAm Monitor Mexico's GDP slowing amid macro concerns and policy dilemma

  • Mexico’s Q1 GDP shows growth momentum is slowing rapidly, amid economic concerns.
  • Tighter financial conditions and a still-challenging external backdrop are real threats.
  • The labour market performed well in Q1, but higher real interest rates will dent its resilience.

Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)Latin America

1 May 2024 Emerging Asia Monitor Taiwan's Q1 GDP as good as it'll likely get in 2024

  • Taiwan’s consensus-beating Q1 GDP print was driven by a strong recovery in net trade…
  • …But less friendly base effects and still-soft export volumes point to growth slowing from Q2.
  • All told, we have raised our 2024 GDP growth forecast to 3.7%, from 3.4%, after Q1’s hot print.

Moorthy Krshnan (Senior Asia Economist)Emerging Asia

1 May 2024 China+ Monitor China's output rebound continues; Politburo tone more confident

  • Both China’s April PMIs agree that manufacturing output is going from strength to strength...
  • ...But the official gauge shows demand fading slightly, while the Caixin indicates further robustness.
  • It was announced at yesterday’s Politburo meeting the reform-oriented Third Plenum will be held in July.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

1 May 2024 Eurozone Monitor Higher GDP won't impede first rate cut in June, as core inflation falls

  • EZ core inflation fell further in April; the June rate cut looks safe, but July’s is hanging in the balance.
  • EZ GDP rose by 0.3% in Q1, in line with our forecast; country data suggest net trade was the main boost.
  • Southern economies did the heavy lifting, again, and likely will continue to outperform this year.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

1 May 2024 UK Monitor March pick-up in loan demand likely to unwind in Q2

  • The renewed rise in mortgage rates in April suggests the March pick-up in secured credit demand will reverse...
  • ...But stronger demand for unsecured credit is here to stay; debt levels remain very low relative to incomes.
  • The March jump in corporate-bond issuance likely was a one-off, but the outlook for capex is benign.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

30 April 2024 US Monitor Slowing ECI growth in Q1 to ease pressure on Fed doves

  • Year-over-year growth in the ECI likely fell below 4% in Q1, almost back to its inflation target-consistent rate.
  • California fast food price rises driven by the minimum wage hike will have a microscopic impact on the CPI.
  • Ignore the 3.9% Q2 growth forecast from GDPNow; its estimates are often way off this early in the quarter. 

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

30 April 2024 Emerging Asia Monitor The fundamental story behind THB's underperformance YTD

  • Thailand’s customs trade balance missed widely in March; the adjusted gap sank to a 19-month low…
  • …Export leading indicators remain lacklustre, while import growth is getting a lift from global oil prices.
  • Vietnam’s trade surplus collapsed in April; it looks like export growth truly has peaked, for now.

Miguel Chanco (Chief EM Asia Economist)Emerging Asia

30 April 2024 Eurozone Monitor EZ core inflation fell in April, and that's (likely) all you need to know

  • Early April HICP data in Spain and Germany confirm that energy inflation rose, while core inflation dipped.
  • We’re lowering our EZ headline inflation forecast by 0.1pp, to 2.4%; the core likely fell by 0.4pp, to 2.5%.
  • The Irish economy sprang back to life in Q1; we still look for EZ GDP to have risen by 0.3% in the quarter.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

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