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Below is a list of our Publications for the last 6 months. If you are looking for reports older than 6 months please email, or contact your account rep.

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19 December 2023 US Monitor December Homebase Says No Payroll Rollover Yet

  • Homebase signals December payroll growth of about 225K; no sign of further weakening yet.
  • Lower rates are beginning to cheer homebuilders, who will gain further market share as home sales rise.
  • Single-family construction is rebounding, fitfully, but the multi-family rollover has further to go.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

19 December 2023 Emerging Asia Monitor Reasons for Optimism in Singapore's 2024 Export Outlook

  • Singaporean export growth finally returned to the black in November after 13 months…
  • …But the recovery is likely to be gradual, as weak demand weighs on the pace of inventory clearance.
  • The slow march in electronics exports will likely show more strongly next year.

Moorthy Krshnan (Senior Asia Economist)Emerging Asia

19 December 2023 LatAm Monitor Milei Starts Working Hard; Chile Rejects the New Constitution

  • President Milei has rolled up his sleeves, announcing concrete measures to put the economy on track.
  • Inflation rebounded sharply in November, and the rapid uptrend will persist over the first half of 2024.
  • Chile rejected a constitution proposal for the second time in a year; does this mean uncertainty?

Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)Latin America

19 December 2023 Eurozone Monitor Rebound in Imports to Hold Back EZ GDP Growth in 2024

  • Net exports are poised to lift GDP growth in Q4, but by how much? We look for a 0.1pp rise. 
  • Export growth will rebound next year, but we think imports will recover relatively more. 
  • We believe rising goods imports will weigh on net exports and GDP growth in 2024.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

19 December 2023 UK Monitor Consumer Energy Bills to Fall by 10% in April, Driving Down Inflation

  • Ofgem likely will reduce its default tariff cap by 10% in April, if wholesale prices remain at their current level.
  • Current weights imply this will reduce the all-items CPI by 0.5pp; the drag might be larger after weight updates.
  • The recent fall in oil prices has improved the CPI inflation outlook too; we expect it to average just 2.7% in 2024.

Samuel TombsUK

EZ Datanote: IFO, Germany, December 2023

In one line: German firms will be happy to say Goodbye to 2023! 

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

18 December 2023 US Monitor How will the Fed's new 2024-to-26 Forecasts be Wrong?

  • The Fed’s forecasts imply remarkable stability in GDP growth and unemployment for the next three years…
  • …They are likely to be wrong, and the risks to their numbers for next year are mostly to the downside.
  • Homebuilders’ sentiment likely is rebounding as mortgage rates drop, with more to come.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

18 December 2023 LatAm Monitor Policymakers Remain Cautious, Despite Fed's Shift

  • LatAm central banks pushed back on aggressive rate-cut expectations, despite the Fed’s policy shift.
  • Banxico doubled down on its cautious approach, but we still think that rate cuts will come soon.
  • Peru’s BCRP also embraced prudence, but bolder action will be possible in Q1, El Niño permitting.

Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)Latin America

18 December 2023 Emerging Asia Monitor Indonesian Imports Will Continue to Outperform Exports Next Year

  • The slump in Indonesian export growth eased more in November, with the commodities hit still fading…
  • …This dynamic is helping imports, too, masking the grow th slowdown in consumer and capital goods.
  • The crash in Philippine exports in October isn’t as bad as it looks, while the import jump is deceptive.

Miguel Chanco (Chief EM Asia Economist)Emerging Asia

18 December 2023 China+ Monitor China's Recovery Makes Glacial Progress in November

  • November data show China’s consumption demand stagnating as winter closes in.
  • The headline jump in industrial output is misleading, driven by utilities and base effects.
  • A sharp fall in existing-home prices likely indicates a supply surge as investors offload proper ties.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

18 December 2023 Eurozone Monitor Slide in the PMI Confirms Tough End to 2023 for EZ Economy

  • Friday’s PMIs confirmed the EZ economy was still is in a rut in December, pointing to falling GDP in Q4.
  • The PMI input price component suggests EZ headline inflation will stabilise at just under 2% in H1 24.
  • Accelerating third quarter growth in hourly labour costs is grist on ECB hawks’ mills.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

18 December 2023 UK Monitor The Economy is Finally Starting to Turn a Corner

  • The composite PMI rose in December to a six-month high; consumers’ confidence is near a two-year high.
  • This pick-up reflects rising real household disposable income, and possibly slowing savings replenishment.
  • The MPC, however, needn’t stay very restrictive; the job market is loosening, and inflation pressures are fading.

Samuel TombsUK

PM Datanote: U.S. Industrial Production, November

Unwinding of the UAW strike hit boosts manufacturing, but output ex-autos remains weak.


EZ Datanote: Labour Costs & Trade, Eurozone, Q3/October

In one line: Still-strong growth in labour costs; net trade on track for a rise in Q4?

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

Global Datanote: U.K. S&P Global/CIPS Flash PMIs, December 2023

In one line: Further recovery should ease recession fears.

Samuel TombsGlobal

UK Datanote: U.K. Flash PMIs, December 2023

  • In one line: Further recovery should ease recession fears.

Samuel TombsUK

UK Datanote: U.K. GfK Consumer's Confidence Survey, December

  • In one line: Recovery should gather momentum next year. 


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