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Below is a list of our Publications for the last 6 months. If you are looking for reports older than 6 months please email, or contact your account rep.

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21 August 2024 US Monitor The labor market slowdown will likely continue, even as claims drop back

  • Leading indicators suggest that the upturn in initial claims in recent months is petering out.
  • But the slowdown in employment growth will likely continue, as companies continue to reduce hiring. 
  • Benchmark payroll revisions are unforecastable, but have been small in recent years.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

21 August 2024 Emerging Asia Monitor Malaysian exports in H2 to benefit from stronger electronics growth

  • Both export and import growth in Malaysia beat consensus by a large margin in July…
  • …But the stronger surge in import growth resulted in the trade surplus more than halving.
  • Smaller trade surpluses are likely to be typical in H2, but a pick-up in real activity should support GDP.

Moorthy Krshnan (Senior Asia Economist)Emerging Asia

21 August 2024 Eurozone Monitor Markets still too optimistic on ECB easing this year

  • EZ inflation data suggest market pricing for 70bp-worth of easing this year is much too ambitious. 
  • The ECB will cut by 25bp in September; we still see a second cut in October, but this is a very close call. 
  • Inflation in food, core goods and energy are all set to firm in Q4, and services inflation will fall only slightly.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

21 August 2024 UK Monitor GDP revisions will have little effect on monetary or fiscal policy

  • The ONS Blue Book revisions raised the level of GDP in Q4 2022 by 0.8%.
  • Statistician’s will publish full revisions up to the latest data in Q2 2024 on September 30.
  • Revisions to growth two years ago will have little effect on monetary or fiscal policy.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

Global Datanote: Final Inflation, Eurozone, July 2024

In one line: Energy inflation will back in August and September; the core will remain high.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Global

EZ Datanote: Final Inflation, Eurozone, July 2024

In one line: Energy inflation will back in August and September; the core will remain high.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

EZ Datanote: Current Account, Eurozone, June 2024

In one line: A record high, but not sustainable; net portfolio flows are shifting.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

China+ Datanote: LPR, China, August

In one line: China’s loan prime rates unchanged in August as banking NIM at record low

Kelvin Lam (Senior China+ Economist)China+

CHINA+ DATA WRAP 20 August 2024

China’s LPRs unchanged in August as banking NIM at record low

Kelvin Lam (Senior China+ Economist)China+

CHINA+ DATA WRAP 15 August 2024

Slowing industrial production highlights China’s slumping property sector and rising trade frictions 

China’s retail sales rebound in July, but weak consumer confidence and property woes weigh on growth

Fixed investment falters amid infrastructure slowdown and weak private investment  

China’s property sales activity and price growth remain weak

PBoC shifts to new monetary framework: MLF operations to be carried out on 25th of every month

Japan’s GDP surprises on the upside, with gains in both consumption and investment amid emerging risks

Kelvin Lam (Senior China+ Economist)China+

China+ Datanote: GDP, Japan, Q2

In one line: Japan’s GDP surprises on the upside, with gains in both consumption and investment amid emerging risks.

Kelvin Lam (Senior China+ Economist)China+

China+ Datanote: Money & Credit, China, July

In one line: China’s TSF data suggest weak demand for loans in the real economy

Kelvin Lam (Senior China+ Economist)China+

20 August 2024 US Monitor Homebase points to strong August payrolls, but we're looking elsewhere

  • Our Homebase model points to a 250K jump in August private payrolls, which looks implausible.
  • Other labor market indicators are far less upbeat; we have pencilled in an increase of 125K.
  • We expect a meagre rise in government payrolls this month, and see a sharp slowdown ahead. 

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

20 August 2024 Emerging Asia Monitor Untenable export bounce saves Thailand's Q2; demand still weak

  • Thailand’s economy lost momentum in Q2, despite a hefty—but unsustainable—bounce in exports…
  • …External demand looks set to stay lacklustre into 2025, weighing further on already-weak capex.
  • We remain downbeat on growth, and still see the BoT cutting rates twice before year-end.

Miguel Chanco (Chief EM Asia Economist)Emerging Asia

20 August 2024 Eurozone Monitor Some wage growth indices are rising, but the ECB will still cut

  • Negotiated wage growth likely eased in Q2 even as compensation per employee probably held steady. 
  • Hourly labour cost data are the wild card; we doubt they will prevent an ECB cut in September... 
  • ...But early Q3 indicators, pointing to a rebound in wage growth, cast a shadow over a cut in October.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

20 August 2024 UK Monitor MPC's switch to scenarios implies gradual rate cuts

  • The MPC has shifted its focus away from inflation and wages to broader economic scenarios.
  • Even rate-setters voting for an August cut placed considerable weight on the more hawkish scenario.
  • Reduced data-sensitivity and the scenarios suggest gradual rate cuts, with the next one in November.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

EM Asia Datanote: Trade Balance, Malaysia, July

  • In one line: Surplus more than halves, but little reason for concern.

Moorthy Krshnan (Senior Asia Economist)Emerging Asia


Unsustainable export bounce saves Thai Q2 GDP; domestic demand still lethargic

Miguel Chanco (Chief EM Asia Economist)Emerging Asia

PM Datanote: US Housing Starts, July

 A weather-related plunge in July, but residential construction set for a weak Q3.

Oliver Allen (Senior US Economist)US

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