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10 September 2024 Eurozone Monitor All set for a second 25bp rate cut from the ECB on Thursday

  • The ECB will cut its policy rate by 25bp this week, as widely expected, but what happens in Q4? 
  • We see a higher chance than markets of an October cut, and a lower probability of December easing. 
  • Will the ECB lift its Q4 core inflation forecasts this week? We think so, but how far?

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

10 September 2024 UK Monitor CPI preview: we expect services inflation to rise to 5.6% in August

  • CPI inflation likely rose to 2.3% in August, from 2.2% in July, 0.1pp below the MPC’s forecast.
  • Airfares will rebound from July’s slowdown, which was driven by the early CPI collection date.
  • Almost anything is possible with hotel prices, but they likely fell less than in August 2023.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

UK Datanote: UK Report on Jobs Survey, August 2024

  • In one line: Slowing pay growth but the MPC will wait until November to cut rates again.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

China+ Datanote: PPI, China, August

The upcoming seasonal rebound in construction activity won’t decisively turn around falling producer prices 

Duncan WrigleyChina+

CHINA+ DATA WRAP 9 September 2024: China's core consumer inflation slowed

China's slowing core consumer inflation indicates weak demand
Producer deflation steepens as construction activity splutters

Duncan WrigleyChina+

EZ Datanote: Detailed GDP, Eurozone, Q2 2024

In one line: Revised down; held back by consumption and investment.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

EZ Datanote: Industrial Production & Trade Balance, Germany, July

In one line: Industry is unlikely to recover until the external picture improves.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone


Vietnamese exports are regaining momentum, thanks in large part to US demand
We’ve seen enough; downgrading our inflation forecasts for Vietnam
Actual retail sales growth in Vietnam remains in the log single-digit range
The latest slump in Philippine sales is starting to bottom out, just

Miguel Chanco (Chief EM Asia Economist)Emerging Asia

9 September 2024 US Monitor Weak job gains require rapid easing, but this Fed is inclined to plod

  • The trend in private payrolls has halved to just 100K in six months; NFIB data signal further slowing.
  • The August dip in unemployment was due to a jump in temporary layoffs unwinding; the trend is rising.
  • FOMC members Waller and Williams don’t sense the urgency; expect only a 25bp easing this month.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

9 September 2024 LatAm Monitor Brazil's industrial output weakens, reducing likelihood of rate hikes

  • Brazil’s industrial production declined in July following a solid H1, and the outlook is now cautious.
  • A weaker trade surplus and rising import demand point to mounting external pressures.
  • Chile’s inflation rose in August; food and housing prices led the increase, due to temporary shocks. 

Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)Latin America

9 September 2024 Emerging Asia US demand continues to drive VN exports, but this reliance is risky

  • Vietnam’s seasonally adjusted trade surplus barely moved in August , but exports to the US are flying…
  • …We still expect GDP growth to slip modestly in Q3, with IP and retail sales clearly losing momentum.
  • Philippine CPI returned quickly to the BSP's range in August; the door ’s ajar for a 50bp cut in October.

Moorthy Krshnan (Senior Asia Economist)Emerging Asia

9 September 2024 China+ Monitor PBoC hints at RRR cut, even though it doesn't make sense

  • A PBoC official on Thursday hinted that an RRR cut is imminent...
  • ...even though the bond market’s performance in August indicates ample liquidity.
  • A likely cut to existing-mortgage rates won’t move the needle on consumption.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

9 September 2024 EZ Monitor Friday's data offer more reasons for further ECB rate cuts

  • EZ GDP rose less than expected in Q2, mainly due to downward revisions to French and Irish GDP.
  • Consumption and investment held back growth, while net trade did all the heavy lifting.
  • Compensation-per-employee growth eased, in line with other measures of wage growth.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

9 September 2024 UK Monitor More short-term borrowing, only partially offset by tax hikes

  • We expect the Chancellor to raise taxes by £10B per  year, only partially offsetting higher spending. 
  • So, the OBR will likely increase its forecasts for government borrowing over the next five years.
  • Ms. Reeves likely will meet her fiscal rules by changing the definition of government debt used.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

6 September 2024 US Monitor Unemployment is often noisy, but an August drop is a sensible bet

  • August unemployment has often surprised to the upside, perhaps due to shifting seasonality…
  • …But continuing claims and state-level data suggest unemployment overshot its trend in July.
  • Growth in unit labor costs is now running well below 2%, pointing to weak underlying inflation. 

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

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