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Below is a list of our Publications for the last 6 months. If you are looking for reports older than 6 months please email, or contact your account rep.

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UK Datanote: U.K. Nationwide House Prices, March 2024

  • In one line: Small correction in March is just a blip.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

UK Datanote: UK National Accounts, Q4 2023

  • In one line: Still a minor technical recession last year, but the economy is already rebounding.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

China+ Datanote: Caixin Manufacturing PMI, China, March

Chinese manufacturing demand improves after the Lunar New Year holiday 

Duncan WrigleyChina+

China+ Datanote: Exports, Korea, March

Korean exports propelled by resurgent semiconductor shipments

Duncan WrigleyChina+

CHINA+ DATA WRAP 2 April 2024: Post-holiday bump in Caixin and Korean PMIs

Post-holiday improvement in Caixin, Korean PMIs; Japanese Tankan fades; Korean exports sustain recovery trend

Duncan WrigleyChina+

3 April 2024 US Monitor ISM services and ADP employment reports are both deeply unreliable

  • Expect little change in the ISM services index today; either way, it’s a poor guide to services spending. 
  • The ADP employment report is hopelessly unreliable; take it seriously at your peril.
  • The JOLTS quit rate is consistent with much weaker wage growth across the spring and summer, at least.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

3 April 2024 LatAm Monitor Solid start to the year for the Chilean economy

  • Chile’s recovery remains on a solid footing, aided by improving domestic and external conditions.
  • The performance is encouraging, but caution is warranted, as the upturn could still face headwinds.
  • The good start to the year won’t stop the BCCh cutting rates further, which is still badly needed.

Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)Latin America

3 April 2024 Emerging Asia Monitor Vietnam Q1 GDP not as bad as it looks, but pitfalls abound

  • The big drop in Vietnamese GDP growth to 5.7% in Q1 was due mainly to seasonal noise unwinding…
  • …Trade enjoyed a robust start to the year, but the same cannot be said for household spending.
  • We push back our expectation for the first BI cut to Q4, given rising and stubborn food inflation.

Miguel Chanco (Chief EM Asia Economist)Emerging Asia

3 April 2024 China+ Monitor Hopeful signs of a gradually broadening recovery in China

  • China’s March official and Caixin manufacturing PMIs were both above 50 for the first time since September.
  • A strong industrial sector is generating demand for business services too.
  • But the lacklustre labour market and dismal property sector will limit the speed of China’s recovery.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

3 April 2024 Eurozone Monitor EZ inflation likely fell to just over 2% in March; what now, ECB?

  • The drop in German inflation cements the outlook for a below-consensus EZ inflation report today.
  • Why wouldn’t the ECB cut this month if inflation hit 2.2% in March? We can’t see why not either.
  • Weakness in France and Germany is still holding back momentum in EZ manufacturing.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

3 April 2024 UK Monitor Falling uncertainty cuts consumer caution, supporting the recovery

  • February’s money and credit data show consumer caution fading, which should support GDP growth.
  • Mortgage approvals hit an 18-month high, and lumpsum repayments fell to their lowest since May 2020.
  • Declines in mortgage interest rates this year will boost the housing market and spending further.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

EM Asia Datanote: Core Production, India, February

  • In one line: A y/y bounce inflated by base effects, but trends at the margin are finally turning.

Miguel Chanco (Chief EM Asia Economist)Emerging Asia

2 April 2024 US Monitor Ignore JOLTS job openings, but pay attention to the quits rate

  • The JOLTS quit rate flagged the surge in wages during the Great Rehiring. It now points to a sharp slowdown. 
  • Vehicle sales were probably little changed in March, suggesting a drag on Q1 consumption growth. 
  • A nascent recovery in manufacturing is finding its feet, but core goods prices look set to continue falling.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

2 April 2024 LatAm Monitor Brazil's labour-market strength unsettling the COPOM

  • Brazil’s jobless rate continues to fall, and leading indicators point to a good performance in Q2.
  • This improvement will leave the COPOM uneasy, but we believe conditions will stabilise in the near future.
  • In his first 100 days in office, Milei tackled the daunting task of addressing Argentina’s problems.

Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)Latin America

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