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China+ Publications

Below is a list of our China+ Publications for the last 6 months. If you are looking for reports older than 6 months please email, or contact your account rep

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Duncan Wrigley

CHINA+ DATA WRAP 30 April 2024: Manufacturing PMIs point to robust output

China's PMIs indicate manufacturing output surge, despite mixed demand readings; services activity suffers post-holiday dip

Duncan WrigleyChina+

1 May 2024 China+ Monitor China's output rebound continues; Politburo tone more confident

  • Both China’s April PMIs agree that manufacturing output is going from strength to strength...
  • ...But the official gauge shows demand fading slightly, while the Caixin indicates further robustness.
  • It was announced at yesterday’s Politburo meeting the reform-oriented Third Plenum will be held in July.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

China+ Datanote: Tokyo CPI, Japan, April

Tokyo inflation slows due to implementation of free high school education and cooling food inflation

Duncan WrigleyChina+

China+ Datanote: BoJ Policy Decision, Japan, April

The BoJ resists JPY market pressure in keeping the policy rate target range steady

Duncan WrigleyChina+

CHINA+ DATA WRAP 26 April 2024: BoJ holds steady

The BoJ holds the policy rate steady; Tokyo consumer inflation cools, thanks to education subsidies

Duncan WrigleyChina+

29 April 2024 China+ Monitor BoJ stands fast, refusing to bow to currency-market pressure

  • The BoJ held firm on its policy rate on Friday, defying market pressure on the JPY.
  • Governor Ueda declined to adopt a more hawkish tone on the rate path, keeping the focus on inflation.
  • April national inflation won’t slow as much as Tokyo inflation, hit by the start of free local schooling.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

26 April 2024 China+ Monitor PBoC views long-term yields as too low, despite the soft recovery

  • China’s structural problems, notably in the property sector, are limiting the efficacy of interest rate cuts.
  • But varied public views on the management of bond yields hint at a broader internal policy debate.
  • Labour-market issues are compounded by credit constraints for private firms, especially SMEs.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

25 April 2024 China+ Monitor Weak JPY should force a tougher BoJ posture, but no rate hike yet

  • The BoJ is likely to keep the policy rate unchanged, as Japan hasn’t attained sustainable inflation yet.
  • Broad wage growth is likely to lag strong pay rises at large employers, while consumption looks soft.
  • But building pressure on JPY will probably force the Bank to strike a more hawkish tone on future rates.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

22 April 2024 China+ Monitor China's residential property sector still ailing despite funding support

  • The steep decline in China’s new residential sales eased only a tiny bit in March.
  • Developer funding is still under severe pressure; the 6,000-project whitelist offers limited help, so far.
  • China’s residential sector faces a grinding recovery, despite flickers of life in Shanghai’s luxury market.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

17 April 2024 China+ Monitor Chinese GDP growth rises in Q1, but output is outpacing demand

  • China’s Q1 GDP growth picked up, thanks to robust industrial output and consumer services spending.
  • But a marked fall in industrial capacity utilisation points to burgeoning oversupply issues...
  • …Fiscal stimulus should boost demand to mitigate the oversupply, eventually; meanwhile, PPI deflation.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

CHINA+ DATA WRAP 16 April 2024: Chinese GDP beats expectations

Chinese GDP beats expectations, despite an uneven recovery and looming oversupply issues

Duncan WrigleyChina+

16 April 2024 China+ Monitor PBoC holds the MLF rate steady, despite lacklustre domestic demand

  • The PBoC left the MLF rate unchanged yesterday, likely wary of currency pressure.
  • Social financing growth slowed in March, due to soft domestic demand and lower bond issuance.
  • Government-bond issuance is likely to pick up in Q2, the key plank of short-term growth support.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

China+ Datanote: MLF Rate, China, April

The PBoC keeps the MLF rate on hold, despite slowing credit growth

Duncan WrigleyChina+

CHINA+ DATA WRAP 15 April 2024: MLF rate unchanged

The PBoC keeps the MLF rate on hold, despite slowing credit growth

Duncan WrigleyChina+

China+ Datanote: Money & Credit, China, March

Disappointing credit data point to undercooked domestic demand, despite fiscal stimulus 

Duncan WrigleyChina+

15 April 2024 China+ Monitor China begins to flesh out its consumer goods trade-in plan

  • China’s marked fall in exports in March highlights the need to boost domestic demand.
  • After factoring out base effects and seasonality, exports are probably enjoying a modest rebound.
  • The equipment & consumer goods trade -in schemes should be significant, despite slow policymaking.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

11 April 2024 China+ Monitor China's uneven recovery set to make only halting progress

  • China’s GDP growth should increase slightly in Q1 quarter-to-quarter, but severe imbalances persist.
  • A robust industrial sector contrasts with plunging new-property sales and flat consumption activity.
  • Policy support for consumer goods trade-ins and equipment upgrades should be incrementally helpful.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

8 April 2024 China+ Monitor BoK likely to sit tight until Q3, mindful of rising cost pressures

  • The BoK will probably hold the policy rate steady on Friday, amid stubborn inflation and KRW pressure.
  • The March manufacturing PMI points to sluggish domestic demand but rising cost pressures.
  • Exports are riding a firming rebound, thanks to high-end- chip demand related to AI.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

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