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China+ Publications

Below is a list of our China+ Publications for the last 6 months. If you are looking for reports older than 6 months please email, or contact your account rep

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Weekly Monitor Global

21 October 2024 China+ Monitor China's September activity data show stimulus is starting to gain traction

  • China’s Q3 GDP growth rose from Q2 but still needs to double in Q4 to get close to the full-year target.
  • Fiscal stimulus policies, via government investment and auto trade-ins, spurred activity in September.
  • Additional support is needed for China to restore inflation in the still-falling GDP deflator in Q3.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

14 October 2024 China+ Monitor China still likely to approve further targeted fiscal support for Q4

  • China’s finance minister on Saturday announced the intention to provide further support, but no detail…
  • ...That’s to be expected, given only the legislature can approve additional fiscal support measures.
  • Further targeted support is likely for Q4, but a mega-package to address the root ills will take longer.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

7 October 2024 China+ Monitor The lessons of 2015 for assessing China's current outlook

  • China’s stock market rally, against a backdrop of poor economic fundamentals, resembles 2015…
  • …when the stock market went through a boom/bust cycle long before structural reforms got under way.
  • History suggests China can take a while to find a good policy solution to difficult structural problems.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

30 September 2024 China+ Monitor China's policy shift puts growth target in reach; bold reforms lacking

  • Thursday’s Politburo meeting confirmed the policy shift to growth support away from debt control.
  • Government investment should pick up now local officials have clearer policy directives.
  • But policymakers’ more supportive stance for property isn’t matched by new policy ideas.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

23 September 2024 China+ Monitor Governor Ueda downplays inflation risks, so an October hike's unlikely

  • The BoJ stood pat last week , placing greater emphasis on the price impact of currency moves.
  • Governor Ueda’s dovish tone on Friday suggests an October rate hike is off the table.
  • Mr. Ueda recognises that inflation risks have receded, despite the rise in August national inflation.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

16 September 2024 China+ Monitor BoJ striking a hawkish tone, though inflation is likely to slow

  • Recent BoJ policymaker statements signal intent to keep raising rates if warranted by inflation.
  • The carry trade appears to have largely unwound, but lower oil prices could slow the pace of rate hikes.
  • Revised Q2 GDP growth was partly bolstered by short-term factors; Q3 growth is likely to slow.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

9 September 2024 China+ Monitor PBoC hints at RRR cut, even though it doesn't make sense

  • A PBoC official on Thursday hinted that an RRR cut is imminent...
  • ...even though the bond market’s performance in August indicates ample liquidity.
  • A likely cut to existing-mortgage rates won’t move the needle on consumption.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

2 September 2024 China+ Monitor China's aging housing stock another reason for people to save

  • China’s controversial ‘housing pension’ scheme rollout highlights the cost of an aging housing stock.
  • Homeowners worry they will have to foot more of the bill for maintaining housing; another reason to save.
  • Q2 credit data suggest the game plan to hit “about 5%” GDP growth this year is running into obstacles.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

27 August 2024 China+ Monitor China's consumption struggles amid low confidence and policy challenges

  • China's July retail sales bounce is misleading; it is simply a recovery from June's unexpected fall.
  • Consumption has been beset by socioeconomic factors: jobs, income, policies, social norms.
  • Demand-side policies will remain targeted; Western- style handouts to consumers are unlikely.

Kelvin Lam (Senior China+ Economist)China+

19 August 2024 China+ Monitor Japan's Q2 GDP rebound signals strengthening wage-price spiral

  • Japan’s Q2 GDP surprised to the upside; economic recovery is on a firmer footing than expected.
  • Consumption ended four consecutive quarterly falls in Q2 on the back of first real wage gains since 2022.
  • The BoJ is delighted to see more evidence of wage-price spiral; it provided the basis for July’s hike.

Kelvin Lam (Senior China+ Economist)China+

12 August 2024 China+ Monitor China's inflation data confirm sluggish demand

  • China’s headline consumer inflation rose in July, but this was due to weather-related food inflation.
  • Domestic demand still looks sluggish, based on core consumer inflation.
  • A jump in auto trade-in subsidy applications, despite overall falling sales, offers a ray of hope for H2.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

5 August 2024 China+ Monitor China's new urbanisation plan should ramp up domestic demand

  • China’s new urbanisation action plan, announced last week, has largely flown under the radar...
  • ...But, if properly implemented, it should go a long way to rebalancing China’s economy...
  • ...By unleashing the full domestic demand potential embedded in the unfinished urbanisation project.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

29 July 2024 China+ Monitor BoJ likely to move cautiously, mindful of fragile growth

  • The BoJ will probably placate currency investors by cutting back bond-buying on Wednesday...
  • ...But will likely stay put on the policy rate, in order to prop up growth and foster demand-pull inflation.
  • Tokyo headline inflation edged down in July, though core inflation excluding fresh food inched up.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

22 July 2024 China+ Monitor China's Third Plenum reforms don't tackle the lopsided growth model

  • The summary document from China’s Third Plenum hints at further short-term growth support.
  • The reform strategy prioritizes manufacturing and high-tech development.
  • But bold reforms to fill the demand hole left by the tanking property sector seem unlikely.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

24 June 2024 China+ Monitor Japan's stagflation conundrum; service sector at risk of stagnation

  • Japan’s consumer inflation rose in May, due to the phasing out of household energy subsidies.
  • Cost-push inflation is set to return in H2, reflecting the lagged impact of the weak JPY.
  • But the June flash PMIs point to flagging domestic economic activity; what a headache for the BoJ!

Duncan WrigleyChina+

17 June 2024 China+ Monitor BoJ commits to cutting JGB-buying, with details to be revealed in July

  • The BoJ left its policy rate targets unchanged and committed to paring back bond purchases.
  • Details of tapering will be revealed in July after consulting the market; the amount is likely “significant”.
  • We still expect only one rate hike this year, as consumption will likely take longer to recover.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

10 June 2024 China+ Monitor China's exports turn the corner; on track for modest growth this year

  • China’s exports picked up the pace a notch in May, mainly thanks to stronger trade with ASEAN.
  • High-tech exports, such as cars and electronics, are outperforming fading trade in traditional goods.
  • A modest recovery in global demand should help China’s growth this year, despite protectionist risks.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

3 June 2024 China+ Monitor US tariffs on "new trio" to have limited impact on Chinese exports

  • The US has proposed new tariffs on Chinese imports, which will have limited impact, in our view.
  • Lithium batteries likely will be most affected, among other items targeted, with the US more exposed to it.
  • China’s manufacturing activity shrank unexpectedly in May, suggesting more stimulus might be needed.

Kelvin Lam (Senior China+ Economist)China+

31 May 2024 China+ Monitor China's new property support measures will need beefing up

  • China’s new property-market measures aim to stabilise the sector, rather than return to the boom times.
  • The focus on housing-inventory reduction is the right direction, but the funding so far is too small.
  • First-tier cities will probably bottom out first, but overall a drawn-out rebound is still on the cards.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

30 May 2024 China+ Monitor Manufacturing profits in rude health as overall profits stall

  • China’s industrial profit growth was unchanged in April; the recovery is weaker than previously thought.
  • A slowing reflation cycle is to blame, but also excess capacity and rising input costs.
  • Manufacturing profits remain solid, but expect more policy support for the economic recovery.

Kelvin Lam (Senior China+ Economist)China+

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