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Eurozone Publications

Below is a list of our Eurozone Publications for the last 6 months. If you are looking for reports older than 6 months please email, or contact your account rep

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Daily Monitor Global Weekly Monitor Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)

21 March 2024 Eurozone Monitor Plenty of reasons for an SNB rate cut today, but we think it will hold

  • It’s a close call, but we think the SNB will hold fire at today’s meeting and first cut in June instead.
  • Risks are tilted towards a rate cut today; markets are pricing in 40% probability of a move.
  • mItalian industrial production started the year on a weak footing, but EZ construction is holding up.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

20 March 2024 Eurozone Monitor Slowing EZ labout cost growth supports ECB easing to start soon

  • Hourly labour cost growth took a leg down in Q4, in line with other wage growth measures.
  • Leading indicators suggest pay growth is easing again in Q1; we look for it to fall throughout 2024.
  • The ECB can’t afford to wait for the all clear from wage negotiations to start easing policy.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

18 March 2024 Eurozone Monitor EURUSD to rise further this year; Spain budget delay no big deal

  • Interest-rate and core-inflation differentials still point to upside risks for EURUSD.
  • We continue to believe EURUSD is good value below 1.10; a rise to 1.15 should be possible.
  • Spain will continue to outperform despite the government ditching its attempt to set a budget.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

13 March 2024 Eurozone Monitor We still think BTP-Bund spread will fall to 100bp by year-end

  • The BTP-Bund spread has fallen, in line with our call; we still believe it will hit 100bp by year-end.
  • Will the attractive carry maintain foreign investor appetite for BTPs in 2024? We think so.
  • Assuming no fiscal disasters, BTPs will continue to close the gap to their Spanish counterparts.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

7 March 2024 Eurozone Monitor Italian GDP recovering, but heed the risk to investment

  • Quarter-to-quarter GDP growth in Italy will pick up pace this year, despite falling investment...
  • ...But our forecasts still point to GDP rising by just 1.0% this year, the same as last year.
  • The risks to our call are a bigger fall in capex than we expect, and a smaller increase in consumption.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

5 March 2024 Eurozone Monitor Swiss inflation slides again, but not enough for a rate cut this month

  • Swiss inflation edged down in February; it has been in line with the SNB’s target for eight months.
  • It fell less than we expected; we are pushing out our forecast for the first SNB rate cut to June.
  • The changing of the guard at the SNB in September won’t alter the outlook for monetary policy.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

29 February 2024 Eurozone Monitor Inflation expectations are still pointing to a fall in inflation

  • Consumer inflation expectations still point to lower inflation, despite uptick in the ECB’s January survey.
  • Firms’ surveyed expectations are still generally on a downtrend, and market measures have also fallen.
  • We still think a downgrade in the ECB’s inflation forecasts next week will be enough for an April cut, just.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

28 February 2024 Eurozone Monitor M1 points to downside risks for EZ GDP; households still downbeat

  • Money and credit data continue to signal a rise in savings and little in the way of new lending.
  • We still think rising real income growth is now lifting spending, but the rebound will be lacklustre overall.
  • Consumer confidence data remains subdued in Germany and France but should bounce back soon.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

27 February 2024 Eurozone Monitor French GDP should rise by around 1% this year, the same as in 2023

  • The inventory cycle in France likely bottomed out in Q4; total capital formation should rebound in H1...
  • ...But surveys warn that growth in otherwise resilient services investment is now rolling over.
  • A drop in auto sales will weigh on consumption in 2024, but rising real income growth will dominate.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

22 February 2024 Eurozone Monitor Two years on: Russia's Diminishing Economic Relations with the EU

  • Russia now accounts for just 15% of EZ gas imports, down from 45% before its invasion of Ukraine.
  • Oil imports from Russia have slumped but are likely still entering Europe after being refined elsewhere.
  • Non-energy trade has shrunk and will dissipate further this year, as the latest EU sanctions hit.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

16 February 2024 Eurozone Monitor Is the Eurozone falling behind the US on productivity, again?

  • EZ GDP growth is falling behind the US; relatively sluggish productivity is part of the reason.
  • The inflation shock has depressed EZ labour productivity, but it should now be rebounding.
  • Our interest rate forecasts are consistent with a relative shift in the EZ inflation and policy regime.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

15 February 2024 Eurozone Monitor All set for a slow rebound in EZ GDP growth in the first half of 2024?

  • Eurozone GDP was flat in Q4, and we doubt the picture will improve in the first quarter.
  • Investment will remain under pressure in H1, but consumers’ spending should now be rebounding.
  • EZ employment growth is still outpacing the surveys; unemployment is pinned at a record low.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

14 February 2024 Eurozone Monitor All the love for an early Swiss rate cut from the January CPI data

  • Swiss inflation fell sharply in January, beneath our below-consensus forecast...
  • ...We are sticking to our call that the SNB will first cut its key policy rate in March, by 25bp to 1.50%.
  • It will likely follow this up with 75bp-worth of cuts, split between 50bp in June and 25bp in September.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

9 February 2024 Eurozone Monitor A rebound in quarterly GDP growth will not prevent SNB rate cuts

  • Swiss GDP likely fell in Q4 last year; it will recover this year as real disposable income growth rebounds. 
  •  But base effects mean GDP growth will slow to 0.7% this year, from 1.2% last year. 
  •  Inflation will stay low, the SNB will match ECB cuts to starve off CHF appreciation. 

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

31 January 2024 Eurozone Monitor GDP data support a dovish shift; Spanish CPI not so much

  • Advance GDP data show the EZ economy barely budged last year.
  • Spanish inflation rose in January; we see no reason to alter our French and German calls in response...
  • ...But we are revising up our EZ inflation forecast by 0.1pp to 2.4%.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

25 January 2024 Eurozone Monitor PMIs support our view that GDP will rebound in Q1, marginally

  •  ECB hawks will pounce on signs from the PMI of continued upward price pressures in services...
  • ...But the PMIs continue to suggest the EZ economy remains in a rut & manufacturing costs are sliding.
  • January’s inflation read will be more decisive for the timing of the ECB’s first rate cut; March is our call.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

24 January 2024 Eurozone Monitor ECB BLS supports the case for easing sooner rather than later

  • Lending standards were tightened again in Q4, albeit less than in Q3; banks blamed risk perception.
  • Demand for loans again fell across the board, partly reflecting the continued rise in interest rates.
  • ECB doves can use the BLS to argue that financial conditions can ease, but will they?

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

17 January 2024 Eurozone Monitor House price growth will rise above zero only at the end of the year

  • The fall in EZ residential house prices was extended in Q3, and likely again in Q4.
  • In 2024, house prices should recover somewhat as demand rebounds, but not until the end of the year.
  • We look for house prices to fall by 3.5% this year after a likely near-2% decline in 2023.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

12 January 2024 Eurozone Monitor Italy Close to the Bottom of the Pile Among the Majors in Q4

  • Italian industrial output fell in November, defying the otherwise decent trail of hard data for Q4.
  • We are sticking to our call for a 0.2% slide in GDP, setting up a weak base for this year.
  • Quarter-on-quarter GDP growth will rebound this year, but the recovery will be gradual and tepid.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

10 January 2024 Eurozone Monitor Rise in Swiss Inflation in December Unlikely to Preclude Rate Cut in Q1

  • The small increase in Swiss inflation in December leaves it in line with the SNB’s target...
  • ...Inflation will fall back soon, despite the VAT hike; we look for the Bank to cut its policy rate in March.
  • EZ unemployment will rise, though only marginally; still-low joblessness need not deter ECB rate cuts.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

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