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Eurozone Publications

Below is a list of our Eurozone Publications for the last 6 months. If you are looking for reports older than 6 months please email, or contact your account rep

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Chartbook Global Datanotes Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)

EZ Datanote: Inflation, Switzerland, July 2024

In one line:  Stubborn domestic inflation means headline held steady.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

EZ Datanote: Final Manufacturing PMIs, Eurozone, July 2024

In one line: We think the manufacturing PMI is too downbeat, even after the upward revision. 

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

EZ Datanote: Unemployment, Germany, July 2024

In one line: Further increases in jobless claims are on the horizon. 

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

EZ Datanote: Advance GDP, Spain, Q2 2024

In one line: Continuing to outperform; inflation fell further than expected in July.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

EZ Datanote: ISTAT Confidence, Italy, July 2024

In one line: Edging down, in line with deteriorating overall business sentiment in France and Germany 

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

EZ Datanote: Money Supply, Eurozone, June 2024

In one line: Still pointing to an improvement in growth, in contrast to the business surveys. 

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

EZ Datanote: Industrial Production, EZ, May 2024

In one line: EZ industry likely came out of recession in Q2, by the skin of its teeth. 

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

EZ Datanote: Sentix, Eurozone, July 2024

In one line: Still consistent with a rebound in the PMI, despite falling.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

EZ Datanote: Retail Sales, EZ, May 2024

In one line: Goods spending is not benefitting from the recovery in real incomes, yet.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

EZ Datanote: Final PMIs, Eurozone, June

In one line:  Upward revision doesn’t change picture of cooling output growth in June.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

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Keywords for: Eurozone Documents

independent macro research, Eurozone Document Vault, Pantheon Macro, Pantheon Macroeconomics, independent research, ian shepherdson, economic intelligence,