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Eurozone Publications

Below is a list of our Eurozone Publications for the last 6 months. If you are looking for reports older than 6 months please email, or contact your account rep

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Emerging Asia Daily Monitor Global Chartbook Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)

27 September 2024 Eurozone Monitor The end of an era at the SNB, but not the end of easing

  • The SNB has lowered its inflation forecasts towards our estimates, blaming a stronger CHF. 
  • It is unhappy with EURCHF and uncomfortable with its new end-of-horizon inflation call. 
  • We thought another cut would come in December, and we now also think it will trim rates in March.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

25 September 2024 Eurozone Monitor Thomas Jordan to end his stint as SNB Chairman with another cut

  • Inflation has been lower than the SNB expected in Q3; it will cut its inflation forecasts this week… 
  • ...Thomas Jordan will go out with a bang, cutting rates for the fifth time as SNB Chairman. 
  • We look for at least one more cut, in December; risks are tilted towards less easing than we expect.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

18 September 2024 Eurozone Monitor Italy's budget deficit will fall less than Rome expects

  • The day of reckoning for Italy's public finances under the new EU fiscal rules has been delayed… 
  • ...Rome will submit its new MTFS plan 10 days late, at month-end; it needs more spending cuts. 
  • A sub-4% deficit this year is just wishful thinking; it will remain above 4% until 2026.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

11 September 2024 Eurozone Monitor Industry in Spain heads for recession, as in the rest of the EZ

  • Italian industry remains in recession in Q3, in line with its German counterpart… 
  • ...Spanish industry is now joining the recession party, though it is still faring better than elsewhere. 
  • The outlook for EZ industry remains bleak, especially given signs of still-weak import demand from China.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

6 September 2024 Eurozone Monitor German industrial output fell in July; ignore EZ retail data for now

  • July’s German factory orders increase was driven by major orders; jump in June’s core orders was a blip. 
  • German industrial turnover figures point to output data today coming in well below consensus. 
  • EZ retail sales are still being compiled without German figures and cannot be relied upon.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

4 September 2024 Eurozone Monitor Swiss GDP growth picks up, but inflation falls; SNB will cut again

  • Net trade drove the increase in Swiss GDP in Q2, while investment held it back.
  • Growth will slow in Q3 but pick up again in Q4, such that GDP rises by 1.2% in 2024 the same as in 2023.
  • Inflation was a touch higher than we expected in August, but the SNB will still cut twice more this year.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

3 September 2024 Eurozone Monitor Italian growth will improve, despite construction capex dwindling

  • The small 0.2% q/q increase in Italian GDP in Q2 was confirmed; net trade held back growth...
  • ...But so did construction investment, where dwellings investment is falling.
  • Both trends will be offset by a rebound in inventories and stronger consumers’ spending in H2.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

30 August 2024 Eurozone Monitor Sinking German and Spanish inflation point to EZ read at target

  • Spanish inflation was pulled down sharply in August by falling energy inflation. 
  • The German headline also took a leg down, to a 41-month low, despite stable services inflation. 
  • We now think EZ inflation data today will show a 2% print for August; EZ inflation is at the ECB’s target.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

29 August 2024 Eurozone Monitor Fall in EZ real money eases again, still pointing to faster GDP growth

  • Money data suggest the savings rate is no longer rising, pointing to a pick-up in spending…
  • ...Lending and credit figures are also turning up, consistent with stronger investment growth. 
  • For how long will money data remain positive? We see nascent signs they will turn down soon.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

28 August 2024 Eurozone Monitor Fall in German GDP in Q2 confirmed; surveys add to woes

  • Destatis confirmed the decline in German GDP in Q2, despite still not publishing services data.
  • Survey data for Q3 paint an ugly picture for the start of the second half of the year. 
  • We suspect surveys may be underestimating growth, but we will need to wait and see.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

Global Datanote: Advance PMIs, Eurozone, August 2024

In one line: Activity springs back up again thanks to the Olympics. 

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Global

20 August 2024 Eurozone Monitor Some wage growth indices are rising, but the ECB will still cut

  • Negotiated wage growth likely eased in Q2 even as compensation per employee probably held steady. 
  • Hourly labour cost data are the wild card; we doubt they will prevent an ECB cut in September... 
  • ...But early Q3 indicators, pointing to a rebound in wage growth, cast a shadow over a cut in October.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

16 August 2024 Eurozone Monitor Energy inflation will fall in coming months, but Q4 upside risks loom

  • Energy inflation remains on track for a big fall in coming months, but it will rebound into year-end.
  • EZ headline inflation will fall to within touching distance of 2% in August, but will snap back in Q4.
  • Swiss GDP outpaced the Eurozone average in Q2, as industry fared better than we anticipated.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

13 August 2024 Eurozone Monitor Italy raises tax for's not enough; SNB tries to weaken CHF

  • Italy’s new wealth tax on foreign income will help public finances but won’t balance the books… 
  • ...Spending needs to come down, and significantly, to get Italy away from a near 6% deficit this year.
  • As expected, the SNB intervened to stem the rise in the franc last week; more CHF sales will be needed.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

9 August 2024 Eurozone Monitor Swiss GDP preview: GDP growth underperformed the EZ in Q2

  • Swiss industry likely had another tough quarter in Q2 and services turnover data to May disappoint. 
  • We doubt GDP fell, however, as implied by the PMI; it has underestimated growth since Q4 2022. 
  • We have pencilled in zero growth in Switzerland in Q2, after a 0.3% quarter-on-quarter increase in Q1.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

6 August 2024 Eurozone Monitor Are we seeing an unsustainable housing boom in Spain? Unlikely.

  • House prices in Spain are currently higher than during the house price bubble in 2005-to-2008… 
  • ...But the current increase doesn’t look unsustainable and household finances are sound. 
  • We see little scope for a sharp correction in house prices in the coming quarters in Spain.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

24 July 2024 Eurozone Monitor Super Tuesday likely to reveal that EZ Q2 GDP growth beat consensus

  • Q2 GDP data due next week will likely show a repeat of the Q1 figures in Germany, Italy and Spain… 
  • ...while GDP growth in France has probably doubled, to 0.4%, as services spending rocketed. 
  • So, we now think EZ GDP rose by 0.4% on the quarter, after 0.3% in Q1, 0.1pp higher than previously. 

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

17 July 2024 Eurozone Monitor Bank credit tightening eased again in Q2; the trend will continue

  • Household demand for credit rose, and the fall in firms’ demand decelerated in Q2…
  • ...Banks tightened standards at a slower pace than in past quarters, supporting lending growth…
  • ...The subsequent pick-up in GDP growth will be gradual, however; not something for the ECB to fear.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

12 July 2024 Eurozone Monitor Revising up our Q2 GDP growth call for Italy, marginally

  • Monthly hard data for Italy have been better than expected; our new nowcast points to faster growth… 
  • ...but business surveys suggest GDP growth is unlikely to budge from Q1’s 0.3%. 
  • Advance numbers suggest that EZ negotiated wage growth slowed in Q2, despite firmer Indeed data.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

10 July 2024 Eurozone Monitor House prices in the Eurozone will fare better than previously thought

  • The fall in Eurozone house prices eased for the second straight quarter in Q1…
  • ...and we see signs that demand is picking up sooner than we thought amid falling interest rates. 
  • We now think house prices will be broadly flat in 2024 after they slid by 1.2% in 2023.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

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