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Eurozone Publications

Below is a list of our Eurozone Publications for the last 6 months. If you are looking for reports older than 6 months please email, or contact your account rep

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Datanotes Weekly Monitor Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)

23 September 2024 EZ Monitor INSEE business survey data stabilising, but still weak overall

  • INSEE survey data show further signs of stabilisation in September but remain soft overall.
  • The Summer Olympics boosted Q3 GDP growth in France, but a payback looms in Q4.
  • We look for a big fall in the EZ PMIs today as the Olympics boost to French services reaches an end.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

EZ Datanote: INSEE Business Confidence, France, September 2024

In one line: Better, but still consistent with weak growth in domestic demand.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

EZ Datanote: Current Account, Eurozone, July 2024

In one line: Pushed down by a reversal in the primary income balance.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

EZ Datanote: Construction, Eurozone, July 2024

In one line: Q3 carry-over looks o.k., but survey data remains depressed.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

EZ Datanote: Final Inflation, Eurozone, August 2024

In one line: Services inflation revised down marginally; headline to fall further in September.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

EZ Datanote: Trade Balance & Labour Costs, EZ, July/Q2

In one line: EZ trade pulled lower by imports in July; hourly labour cost growth remained elevated in Q2.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

EZ Datanote: Final Inflation, France, August 2024

In one line: Held down by falling energy inflation; the core firmed.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

16 September 2024 EZ Monitor ECB in a decent position ahead of tricky Q4 decisions

  • One more ECB rate cut this year is a good baseline, but the probability of two has increased.
  • Surveys point to downside risks for core inflation in France, but we still look for a rebound in Q4.
  • The misery in EZ manufacturing continued at the start of Q3, despite a boost from Ireland.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

EZ Datanote: ECB Rate Decision, September

In one line: As expected; plenty to talk about on the press conference. 

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

9 September 2024 EZ Monitor Friday's data offer more reasons for further ECB rate cuts

  • EZ GDP rose less than expected in Q2, mainly due to downward revisions to French and Irish GDP.
  • Consumption and investment held back growth, while net trade did all the heavy lifting.
  • Compensation-per-employee growth eased, in line with other measures of wage growth.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

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