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Eurozone Publications

Below is a list of our Eurozone Publications for the last 6 months. If you are looking for reports older than 6 months please email, or contact your account rep

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Daily Monitor Global Weekly Monitor

16 July 2024 Eurozone Monitor Will the ECB signal a September rate cut this week? We think so

  • The ECB will likely open the door to further easing this week, teeing up a second rate cut, in September. 
  • Market expectations are converging on three cuts between now and March; the ECB is fine with this. 
  • One week ahead of the EZ Q2 GDP data, Nowcast models are subdued; we don’t buy them.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

15 July 2024 Eurozone Monitor The details that matter in German and French inflation figures

  • German services inflation, ex-rents, is still sizzling, at just under 5%, but it will fall soon.
  • Core inflation in Germany will drop further between now and the end of the year, to just over 2.5%.
  • The Summer Olympics will likely lift French core inflation by 0.1pp in July, and by 0.3pp in August.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

12 July 2024 Eurozone Monitor Revising up our Q2 GDP growth call for Italy, marginally

  • Monthly hard data for Italy have been better than expected; our new nowcast points to faster growth… 
  • ...but business surveys suggest GDP growth is unlikely to budge from Q1’s 0.3%. 
  • Advance numbers suggest that EZ negotiated wage growth slowed in Q2, despite firmer Indeed data.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

11 July 2024 Eurozone Monitor The curious case of the vanishing EZ monetary policy transmission

  • EZ private-sector balance sheets are healthy; this dulls the monetary policy transmission mechanism. 
  • The private sector’s interest-rate-sensitivity has almost halved compared to before the GFC. 
  • Strong private balance sheets, fiscal activism and labour-hoarding will keep ECB policy rates elevated. 

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

10 July 2024 Eurozone Monitor House prices in the Eurozone will fare better than previously thought

  • The fall in Eurozone house prices eased for the second straight quarter in Q1…
  • ...and we see signs that demand is picking up sooner than we thought amid falling interest rates. 
  • We now think house prices will be broadly flat in 2024 after they slid by 1.2% in 2023.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

9 July 2024 Eurozone Monitor Right wing in France suffers defeat, as do French pollsters

  • Marine Le Pen’s RN fell flat on its face in the French parliamentary elections. The centre (left) holds on. 
  • The path to a working government in France is unclear, but OAT-Bund spreads have likely peaked. 
  • Germany’s trade surplus jumped in May, due mainly to a crash in imports; the July Sentix dropped. 

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

8 July 2024 Eurozone Monitor Manufacturing still a drag in Q2; Q3 will be different, we hope

  • Friday’s industrial production data for Germany, France and Spain made for difficult reading.
  • The recovery in EZ manufacturing was still missing in Q2, but we look for better in H2.
  • The trend in retail sales remains flat, but they still likely picked up in Q2, and services spending rose.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

5 July 2024 Eurozone Monitor Fall in Swiss inflation reaffirms our call for further SNB rate cuts

  • Swiss inflation edged lower, despite an uptick in services; a further, albeit marginal, fall is likely.
  • We look for two more SNB rate cuts, taking the policy rate to 0.75% by year-end; markets see fewer cuts.
  • The appointment of Martin Schlegel as the new SNB Chairman points to continuity in the rates outlook.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

4 July 2024 Eurozone Monitor No fireworks from Sintra; ECB comments in line with our rate call

  • ECB President Lagarde struck a somewhat hawkish tone in her Sintra speeches… 
  • ...But the main message from ECB speakers is that more rate cuts are on the way, data permitting. 
  • Overall, the Sintra conference left no mark on market-based and consensus rate expectations.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

3 July 2024 Eurozone Monitor EZ inflation will hit 2% by August, oil prices permitting

  • Headline inflation fell marginally in June, but the core was stable; no rate cut in July, but September is on. 
  • Rising global shipping costs present little upside threat to core goods inflation, for now. 
  • Services inflation will remain hot in the near term, but surveys point to widening downside risks.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

2 July 2024 Eurozone Monitor Will the Centre-Left vote unite to deny RN an absolute majority?

  • Markets are rallying on the prospect of no RN majority in France, but it’s bit too soon to cheer.
  • Eurozone inflation fell further in June, and risks are tilted towards a downside surprise.
  • German core inflation is now on a near-straight path towards 2% by the end of the year.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

1 July 2024 Eurozone Monitor Headline and core inflation in the Eurozone likely dipped in June

  • Inflation in the EZ likely fell in June, by 0.1pp to 2.5%; all set for a dovish message from Sintra this week.
  • Forecast upgrades in Spain and France mean we now estimate EZ GDP grew by 0.3% q/q in Q2.
  • German unemployment hit a new post-Covid high in June and likely will rise a bit further in Q3.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

28 June 2024 Eurozone Monitor Money supply data point to Q3 resilience in the EZ PMIs

  • Money data point to continued upside for the PMI, which fell in June; will it rebound?
  • Credit figures are consistent with rising consumers’ spending and a rebound in investment soon.
  • The first June surveys for Italy and Spain suggest downside risk in the former but strength in the latter.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

27 June 2024 Eurozone Monitor All set for a nail-biting French election first round this weekend

  • Polls point to a parliament split down the middle in France, but the second-round vote is a wildcard.
  • RN’s and NFP’s economic plans will anger bond markets and the EU; Mr. Macron will likely welcome this.
  • Survey data so far point to only a modest hit to sentiment in France from rising political uncertainty.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

26 June 2024 Eurozone Monitor Spain is outperforming, on and off the football pitch

  • Revisions show that Spanish GDP rose by 0.8% on the quarter in Q1, more than previously thought.
  • More of the same is likely in coming quarters; survey and hard data are positive, especially in services.
  • Spain’s GDP will likely leap by 2.8% this year, in contrast to 0.8% in the Eurozone as a whole.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

25 June 2024 Eurozone Monitor Don't jump the gun on Germany's poor survey data for June

  • German surveys turned south in June, but don’t write off the idea of a rebound in growth just yet.
  • Early hard data suggest GDP rose again in Q2, but a fall in construction will weigh on growth.
  • Leading indicators tentatively hint at a bottom in German investment, but the rebound will be slow.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

24 June 2024 Eurozone Monitor EZ PMIs stumbled at the end of Q2; will they pick up again in Q3?

  • The EZ PMI fell in June, but it rose solidly over Q2 as a whole; all eyes are now on the early Q3 data.
  • A drop in the EZ manufacturing output PMI raises questions about the rebound in industry; a blip?
  • The French PMIs were stung by political uncertainty; we think it will blow over by August.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

21 June 2024 Eurozone Monitor Two SNB cuts down, two more likely this year

  • The SNB cut rates for the second straight meeting, and lowered its inflation forecasts...
  • ...We look for another 50bp-worth of rate cuts this year, more than financial markets
  • expect.
    The Bank will have to match ECB cuts to prevent a significant appreciation of the CHF and deflation.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

20 June 2024 Eurozone Monitor BTP-Bund spread still on track for 100bp despite political uncertainty

  • The BTP-Bund spread has risen in line with French spreads; it will increase further but then fall to 100bp. 
  • France and Italy are in an EDP, no surprise here; any new French government has limited spending room. 
  • Political uncertainty will keep the EURUSD below 1.10 for now, but 1.18 by year-end is a decent bet.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

19 June 2024 Eurozone Monitor EZ headline inflation will hit 2% soon, but the core will stay sticky

  • Inflation in the Eurozone was uncomfortably hot in May, but 2% over the summer is still a good bet. 
  • Surveys signal downward risks for services inflation, but sports events are upside risks over the summer. 
  • We think the ECB will cut its policy rate by 25bp in September, December and March.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

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