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Global Publications

Below is a list of our Global Publications for the last 6 months. If you are looking for reports older than 6 months please email, or contact your account rep

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Chartbook Global Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)

25 September 2024 Global Monitor Can we trust the rebound in Indonesian exports?

  • US - The Fed will abandon plans for a modest, slow easing cycle
  • EUROZONE - Sinking September PMIs put an October rate cut back in the frame
  • UK - Services inflation close to MPC’s forecast kept rates on hold
  • CHINA+ - Deep structural adjustment weighing down China’s domestic
  • EM ASIA - How much can we trust the recovery in Indonesian exports?
  • LATAM - Brazil’s BCB hikes Selic rate, with a hawkish tone, for now

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)Global

18 September 2024 Global Monitor The BOE will hold rates steady this week

  • US - Households’ balance sheets: Strong at first glance, fragile on closer look
  • EUROZONE - Mr. Draghi’s EU competitiveness report clashes with new fiscal rules
  • UK - MPC preview: rates on hold and little new guidance
  • CHINA+ - BoJ striking a hawkish tone, though inflation is likely to slow
  • EM ASIA - No denying that Indonesian consumers are still under the cosh
  • LATAM - Mexico’s industrial sector facing stagnation, amid major challenges

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)Global

Global Datanote: US CPI, August

Don’t panic, it's noise not signal; the core PCE probably rose by about 0.22%

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)Global

11 September 2024 Global Monitor The US labour market slowdown is deepening

  • US - Weak job gains require rapid easing, but the Fed isn’t sensing the urgency
  • EUROZONE - All set for a second 25bp rate cut from the ECB on Thursday
  • UK - More short-term borrowing, only partially offset by tax hikes
  • CHINA+ - Insipid core consumer inflation confirms sorry demand picture
  • EM ASIA - BNM likely to enjoy a ‘Goldilocks’ moment, with a pause until 2025
  • LATAM - Inflation moderates in Mexico, but political uncertainty looms large

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)Global

4 September 2024 Global Monitor India's slowdown isn't over

  • US - Rapid Fed easing warranted despite solid consumer momentum 
  • EUROZONE - Italian growth will improve, despite construction capex dwindling 
  • UK- UK still vulnerable to energy price shocks
  • CHINA+ - China’s aging housing stock another reason for people to save
  • EM ASIA - Rural consumption reviving, but India’s GDP slowdown isn’t over
  • LATAM - Brazil’s labour market starting to show signs of moderation

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)Global

28 August 2024 Global Monitor Olympics boost spares the EZ's blushes

  • US - Dovish pivot complete; the Fed now has serious catching-up to do
  • EUROZONE - Olympic boost to the EZ PMIs, and a big drop in Q2 wage growth
  • UK- Higher output, lower inflation; MPC will still be wary of labour demand
  • CHINA+ - China’s consumption struggles amid low confidence and policy challenges
  • EM ASIA - BoT held, again, but is becoming anxious about domestic demand 
  • LATAM - COPOM’s cautious stance amid inflation risks and economic threats

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)Global

21 August 2024 Global Monitor BoE will wait to cut next in November, despite inflation undershoot

  • US - Homebase points to strong August payrolls, but we’re looking elsewhere
  • EUROZONE - Some wage growth indices are rising, but the ECB will still cut
  • UK - An even-handed MPC would look through the services undershoot
  • CHINA+ - China’s July activity data point to softer economic momentum
  • EM ASIA - Starting gun fired; the BSP likely to step up cuts to 50bp each
  • LATAM - The service is on holiday, returning next week

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)Global

14 August 2024 Global Monitor Chinese inflation consistent with sluggish domestic demand

  • US - July core CPI data to leave the door wide open to rapid Fed easing
  • EUROZONE - Is the Taylor Rule back as a forecasting tool in the Eurozone?
  • UK - CPI preview: CPI inflation likely to rise to 2.3% in July
  • CHINA+ - China’s inflation data confirm sluggish demand
  • EM ASIA - Ignore the hype, consumption in the Philippines is in recession
  • LATAM - Tackling inflation in Mexico and Chile is becoming difficult

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)Global

7 August 2024 Global Monitor Decisive Fed easing is coming

  • US - Labor market weakening is gathering speed; decisive Fed easing is coming
  • EUROZONE - SNB will still cut twice more; EZ labour market held up in Q2
  • UK - Doves let loose... another rate cut is coming by year-end
  • CHINA+ - China’s new urbanisation plan should ramp up domestic demand
  • EM ASIA - Property price growth to remain elevated in Singapore till 2026
  • LATAM - LatAm: Divergent monetary policies highlight complex landscape

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)Global

31 July 2024 Global Monitor The Bank of England will hold fire this week

  • US - Q2’s rapid growth is unsustainable; expect a slowdown ahead
  • EUROZONE - Solid Q2 GDP headline in the EZ, but the details are on the soft side
  • UK - MPC preview: Almost ready to cut interest rates, cautiously
  • CHINA+ - BoJ likely to move cautiously, mindful of fragile growth
  • EM ASIA - Should we start to worry even more about inflation in India?
  • LATAM - Trade balances improve in LatAm amid weaker currencies

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)Global

24 July 2024 Global Monitor Banxico will focus on core inflation, and cut rates next month

  • US - It’s much too early to make election-driven changes to macro forecasts
  • EUROZONE - The ECB is less sure about a September rate cut than markets
  • UK - Services inflation too strong for the MPC to cut rates in August
  • CHINA+ - PBoC swings into action with early rate cuts to support growth
  • EM ASIA - Malaysian 2024 GDP growth likely to beat government’s forecast
  • LATAM - Mexico, Colombia: mixed inflation signals amid rate cut prospects

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)Global

17 July 2024 Global Monitor Soft US June CPI tees up a first Fed rate cut in September

  • US - The June core PCE deflator likely rose by just 0.15%, below the Fed’s forecast
  • EUROZONE - Will the ECB signal a September rate cut this week? We think so
  • UK - Huge Labour majority will usher in modestly better growth
    CHINA+ - China hits a soft patch in Q2, as domestic demand dwindles
  • EM ASIA - Manufacturing recovery likely still on the cards in Singapore
  • LATAM - Mexico, Colombia: mixed inflation signals amid rate cut prospects

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)Global

10 July 2024 Global Monitor A fragmented parliament in France; what happens next?

  • US - Fears of a labor market downturn will supplant inflation worries at the Fed
  • EUROZONE - Right wing in France suffers defeat, as do French pollsters
  • UK - Huge Labour majority will usher in modestly better growth
  • CHINA+ - PBoC preparing to boost long-term bond yields
  • EM ASIA - June CPI laying the groundwork for BSP and BoT cuts next month
  • LATAM - Brazil’s economic tightrope; the COPOM faces a balancing act

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)Global

3 July 2024 Global Monitor Spain outperforming on and off the football pitch

  • US - May’s PCE data show the Fed has already done more than enough
  • Eurozone - We’re lifting our EZ GDP growth forecasts for Q2, by 0.1pp to 0.3%
  • UK - Forecast review: Cutting through a storm of strong data
  • China+ - China’s light industry outperforms heavy industry, amid soft demand
  • EM Asia - Thailand’s year-end digital cash handout will be no silver bullet
  • LatAm - Banxico holds rates steady but signals potential for future cuts

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)Global

25 June 2024 Global Monitor Soaring shipping costs will lift US inflation only slightly

  • US - Trebling of shipping costs likely to add 0.04pp at most to core PCE inflation
  • EUROZONE - EZ PMIs stumbled at the end of Q2; will they pick up again in Q3?
  • UK - The MPC is itching to cut, so two rate reductions this year are likely
  • CHINA+ - Japan’s stagflation conundrum; service sector at risk of stagnation
  • EM ASIA - A reprieve for Singapore’s long-suffering semiconductor sector
  • LATAM - Mexican economy falters amid challenges and uncertainty

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)Global

19 June 2024 Global Monitor Another BoE hold but SNB likely to cut again

  • US - The FOMC is too optimistic with its unemployment forecast
  • EUROZONE - Markets still underestimating the amount of SNB easing
  • UK - MPC preview: leaving open the timing of the first rate cut
  • CHINA+ - BoJ commits to cutting JGB-buying, with details to be revealed in July
  • EM ASIA - Indian inflation heading into H2: a shift from mundane to manic
  • LATAM - Brazil’s economic activity losing steam amid mounting headwinds

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)Global

Global Datanote: US CPI, May

Disinflation is back on track; expect two easings in today’s 2024 dot plot.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)Global

12 June 2024 Global Monitor European election aftermath rattles markets

  • US - September easing remains a decent base case, despite May payrolls
  • EUROZONE - Domestic political risk returns to Eurozone financial markets
  • UK - Labour market data help the chances of an August rate cut
  • CHINA+ - China’s exports turn the corner; on track for modest growth this year
  • EM ASIA - An August RBI rate cut seems both so close and yet so far
  • LATAM - Brazil’s economic momentum hits a speed bump after promising Q1

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)Global

5 June 2024 Global Monitor A landslide election result in Mexico

  • US - Core PCE numbers are improving, but more progress needed for rate cuts
  • EUROZONE - All set for a hawkish first 25bp rate cut by the ECB this week
  • UK - Forecast review: Persistence means patience for the MPC
  • CHINA+ - US tariffs on “new trio” to have limited impact on Chinese exports
  • EM ASIA - The devil’s in the details of India’s consensus-beating Q1 GDP print
  • LATAM - Landslide victory in Mexico gives MORENA strong political capital

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)Global

29 May 2024 Global Monitor The Bank of Korea is waiting for the Fed

  • US - Indicators pointing to a worsening labor market still in the majority
  • EUROZONE - German GDP growth will slow in Q2, but the recovery is durable
  • UK - Services inflation surprise means MPC will wait until August to cut
  • CHINA+ - BoK signals delay to rate cuts on rising inflation risks
  • EM ASIA - Here comes the downshift in Indian GDP growth from 8%-plus
  • LATAM - Banxico navigates sticky headline inflation amid slowing growth

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)Global

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independent macro research, Global Document Vault, Pantheon Macro, Pantheon Macroeconomics, independent research, ian shepherdson, economic intelligence,