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Latin America Publications

Below is a list of our Latin America Publications for the last 6 months. If you are looking for reports older than 6 months please email, or contact your account rep

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Emerging Asia Chartbook Datanotes Weekly Monitor Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)

28 August 2024 LatAm Monitor Banxico's shift towards easing amid global noise and domestic risks

  • Mexico’s economic outlook suggests a continued shift towards monetary policy easing.
  • Declining core inflation and stagnant economic activity will allow Banxico to cut rates further.
  • The US Fed’s incoming easing cycle is one of the key reasons for further normalisation, but risks remain.

Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)Latin America

27 August 2024 LatAm Monitor COPOM's cautious stance amid inflation risks and economic threats

  • Brazil’s COPOM is navigating inflation concerns and an economic slowdown, keeping a cautious stance.
  • Inflation risks persist despite recent data, which will force the COPOM to hold rates in the near term.
  • Softening economic activity, core inflation in check and the Fed’s easing will allow cuts in late Q4 or Q1.

Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)Latin America

PM Datanote: Industrial Production, Mexico, June, 2024

  • In one line: Manufacturing gains offset weakness in other sectors, for now.

Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)Latin America

PM Datanote: Inflation IPCA, Brazil, July, 2024

  • In one line:  A mixed picture, as transportation costs rise while food prices decline.

Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)Latin America

PM Datanote: BCRP Rate Decision, Peru, August, 2024

  • In one line: A prudent rate cut, defying consensus, reflects improved inflation dynamics.

Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)Latin America

PM Datanote: Monetary policy meeting, Mexico, August, 2024

  • In one line: A modest rate cut signals a shift towards further easing, with caution.

Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)Latin America

PM Datanote: CPI, Mexico, July, 2024

  • In one line: Non-core pressures drive significant gains, offsetting the good news in core.

Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)Latin America

PM Datanote: CPI, Chile, July, 2024

  • In one line: Inflation rebounds driven by rising electricity tariffs.

Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)Latin America

5 August 2024 LatAm Monitor BanRep cuts rates, BCCh holds: monetary policy diverging in Andes

  • Colombia’s BanRep cut rates by 50bp amid a modest economic recovery and further inflation risks.
  • Chile’s BCCh was more cautious, keeping rates steady amid uncertainty driven by electricity tariffs.
  • BanRep has signaled further rate cuts, contrasting with BCCh’s more data-dependent approach.

Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)Latin America

PM Datanote: Monetary policy meeting, Brazil, July, 2024

  • In one line: A cautious hold, prioritizing inflation control amid persistent challenges.

Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)Latin America

PM Datanote: Monetary policy meeting, Colombia, July, 2024

  • In one line: BanRep maintains steady 50bp rate cuts despite board divide.

Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)Latin America

PM Datanote: Advance GDP, Mexico, Q2, 2024

  • In one line: Resilient but slowing, amid domestic and external challenges.

Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)Latin America

July 2024 - Latin America Chartbook



Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)Latin America

29 July 2024 LatAm Monitor Some LatAm doves in summer, others will prefer to remain cautious

  • LatAm policymakers face complex challenges due to inflation, currency volatility and policy uncertainty.
  • Brazil will likely hold rates, as the currency sell-off and fiscal concerns dampen easing expectations.
  • The central banks in the Andes will continue to cut rates, on the back of stable inflation and poor growth.

Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)Latin America

PM Datanote: Bi-weekly CPI, Mexico, July, 2024

  • In one line: Core inflation remains under control, giving Banxico room for manoeuvre, despite the ugly headline. 

Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)Latin America

22 July 2024 LatAm Monitor Argentina and Colombia: recovery amid persistent challenges

  • Colombia’s and Argentina’s economies are recovering, amid persistent challenges and uncertainty.
  • Agriculture is driving economic growth in Colombia, but construction and commerce are struggling.
  • Fiscal consolidation has improved Argentina’s balance sheet but raises concerns about social impact.

Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)Latin America

15 July 2024 LatAm Monitor Peru's BCRP on hold, balancing sticky inflation with easing expectations

  • Peru's BCRP held rates for a second straight meeting, amid sticky core inflation, but eyes future easing.
  • A mixed performance for Mexico's industrial sector: construction is solid, manufacturing is struggling.
  • Banxico's minutes lean towards a rate cut in August; softening economic activity supports this view.

Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)Latin America

PM Datanote: Inflation IPCA, Brazil, June, 2024

  • In one line: Temporary pressures but underlying trends under control. 

Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)Latin America

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