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UK Publications

Below is a list of our UK Publications for the last 6 months. If you are looking for reports older than 6 months please email, or contact your account rep

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Global Daily Monitor Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)

19 April 2024 UK Monitor Business investment set to grow as interest rates decline

  • Brexit, demand uncertainty, staff shortages and high interest rates have held back business investment.
  • All of these drags should ease, with staff shortages falling and the MPC likely to cut rates this summer.
  • Firms’ investment intentions point to 1.5% year-over- year capex growth, an upside risk to our forecast.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

18 April 2024 UK Monitor Inflation surprise cannot be dismissed as Easter volatility

  • Headline and services inflation overshot the MPC’s forecast by 0.1pp and 0.2pp, respectively…
  • …Reflecting stronger-than-expected underlying price pressures, not the impact of an early Easter.
  • We still expect the MPC to cut Bank Rate in June, but are very close to delaying that first cut to August.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

17 April 2024 UK Monitor A warning from falling jobs, but wages to keep MPC cautious

  • The MPC will note the sharp employment drop, which suggests a risk the labour market is loosening quickly.
  • But the headline jobs data are ropey, and surveys point to employment slowly rising.
  • The MPC will focus more on stronger-than-expected pay, which suggests June is the earliest for a rate cut.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

16 April 2024 UK Monitor Bernanke review a missed opportunity for the BoE

  • Ben Bernanke’s review of BoE forecasting makes detailed modelling recommendations.
  • But it gives wide latitude on how to use scenarios and does not recommend publishing a policy rate path.
  • Nothing new for markets near term; in the medium term, changes are still open to debate.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

12 April 2024 UK Monitor The MPC can cut before the Fed, but it will have to be careful

  • UK interest rates have followed the US in most major cycles since the mid-1970s.
  • Exceptions to this when the economies have diverged mean the MPC can cut rates in June as inflation slows.
  • The MPC will be cautious about the pace of cuts, given sticky services inflation and to avoid GBP falling.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

11 April 2024 UK Monitor CPI inflation likely fell to 3.0% in March despite Easter boost

  • CPI inflation likely fell to 3.0% in March, from 3.4% in February, 0.1pp weaker than the MPC forecast.
  • The early-Easter boost probably led to servicesinflation of 5.9%, 0.1pp above the MPC’s forecast.
  • Services inflation should drop sharply to 5.2% in April as those Easter effects unwind.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

10 April 2024 UK Monitor Retail sales growth to strengthen as wages rise and inflation falls

  • ‘Easter-adjusted’ BRC retail sales probably rose 1.2% year-over-year in March, similar to February.
  • We expect a 0.3% month-to-month increase in official retail sales volumes in March.
  • Retail volumes will continue rising after March as real income increases and relative goods prices fall.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

9 April 2024 UK Monitor Labour market preview: pay slowing more than MPC expects

  • We look for PAYE employment to rise by 30K in March and the unemployment rate to stay at 3.9%.
  • We expect a 0.3% month-to-month rise in average weekly earnings ex bonuses in February...
  • ... Leaving year-over-year wage growth on track to undershoot the MPC’s Q1 forecast.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

5 April 2024 UK Monitor Growth on track to beat the MPC's forecast in Q1

  • We think GDP was unchanged month-to-month in February, after rising 0.2% in January.
  • Poor weather likely weighed on construction, but services and manufacturing probably grew slightly.
  • That would put GDP on track to rise 0.2-to-0.3% in Q1, above the MPC’s forecast of 0.1%.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

4 April 2024 UK Monitor CPI inflation likely fell to 3.0% in March, lower than MPC expects

  • CPI inflation likely fell to 3.0% in March, from 3.4% in February, 0.1pp weaker than the MPC expects.
  • Declines in food and core goods inflation account for most of the slowdown in March.
  • Services inflation likely matched the MPC’s forecast of 5.8% in March.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

3 April 2024 UK Monitor Falling uncertainty cuts consumer caution, supporting the recovery

  • February’s money and credit data show consumer caution fading, which should support GDP growth.
  • Mortgage approvals hit an 18-month high, and lumpsum repayments fell to their lowest since May 2020.
  • Declines in mortgage interest rates this year will boost the housing market and spending further.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

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