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UK Publications

Below is a list of our UK Publications for the last 6 months. If you are looking for reports older than 6 months please email, or contact your account rep

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Weekly Monitor Samuel Tombs Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)

26 February 2024 UK Monitor Services £20B package of tax cuts coming, despite fragile public finances

  • We estimate the Chancellor’s headroom for tax cuts will double to £25bn, mainly due to lower debt interest costs.
  • The Chancellor will likely use most of that headroom for personal tax cuts and revving up the housing market.
  • Markets will assume the next government will hike taxes to return government finances to a sustainable path.

Samuel TombsUK

19 February 2024 UK Monitor Services Burgeoning real wage growth to keep retail rebound going

  • Smooth out the huge noise in December and January retail sales and the trend is improving.
  • Sales volumes rose 1.5% between October and January, as falling inflation boosted consumer spending power.
  • In 2024, we expect real wages to rise the most in 17 years, propelling the UK out of recession.

Samuel TombsUK

12 February 2024 UK Monitor Services CPI inflation likely rose to 6.9% in January, above the MPC's forecast

  • We think the headline rate of CPI inflation rose merely to 4.1% in January, from 4.0% in December...
  • ...But services inflation likely leapt by 0.5pp to 6.9%; January 2023’s fall in the catering CPI likely wasn’t repeated.
  • Our services inflation forecast exceeds the MPC’s, but it would still point to slowing near-term momentum.

Samuel TombsUK

5 February 2024 UK Monitor Forecast Review: swift rate cuts unlikely, despite imminent sub-2% inflation

  • The outlook for real household disposable income has continued to improve...
  • ...Energy prices have fallen and wage growth is moderating slowly; expect further tax cuts in the Budget.
  • We still expect the MPC to cut rates by 75bp in 2024— markets nearly agree—but the risk of fewer cuts has risen.

Samuel TombsUK

29 January 2024 UK Monitor Consumers' confidence is now high enough to support rising spending

  • People’s optimism in their personal financial outlook recovered in January to its long-run average.
  • Confidence isn’t always a reliable spending bellwether, though there’s little reason to expect it to mislead now.
  • Governments, however, don’t always get the credit for improving economies, as the Tories discovered in 1997.

Samuel TombsUK

22 January 2024 UK Monitor Households' real expenditure to rebound, after a limp end to 2023

  • Retail sales fell by 0.9% q/q in Q4, but spending on services fared better; total spending likely fell only slightly.
  • We judge households have finished re-accumulating the savings buffer they lost in 2022...
  • ...So brisk growth in real disposable income this year should filter through to spending; the MPC won't panic.

Samuel TombsUK

15 January 2024 UK Monitor GDP likely edged down in Q4, but the trend will improve this year

  • GDP is on course to drop marginally in Q4, despite the rebound in November...
  • ...The composite PMI picked up in December, but the retail, construction and health sectors all likely struggled.
  • A recovery, however, should take hold soon; we look for 0.7% year-over-year growth in GDP in 2024.

Samuel TombsUK

18 December 2023 UK Monitor The Economy is Finally Starting to Turn a Corner

  • The composite PMI rose in December to a six-month high; consumers’ confidence is near a two-year high.
  • This pick-up reflects rising real household disposable income, and possibly slowing savings replenishment.
  • The MPC, however, needn’t stay very restrictive; the job market is loosening, and inflation pressures are fading.

Samuel TombsUK

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