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UK Publications

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Samuel Tombs Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist) Miguel Chanco (Chief EM Asia Economist)

20 February 2024 UK Monitor Which key ONS surveys have become afflicted by a low response rate?

  • The response rate to the Labour Force Survey of households remained low in Q4, despite reforms.
  • The response rate for the “TLFS”, which is set to replace the LFS in September, is only slightly higher.
  • The response rates for the business surveys used for the GDP and wages figures, however, remain high.

Samuel TombsUK

UK Datanote: U.K. Retail Sales, January 2024

In one line: Amid the monthly volatility, signs of a consumer-led recovery taking hold.

Samuel TombsUK

19 February 2024 UK Monitor Services Burgeoning real wage growth to keep retail rebound going

  • Smooth out the huge noise in December and January retail sales and the trend is improving.
  • Sales volumes rose 1.5% between October and January, as falling inflation boosted consumer spending power.
  • In 2024, we expect real wages to rise the most in 17 years, propelling the UK out of recession.

Samuel TombsUK

UK Datanote: U.K. GDP, December 2023

  • In one line: GDP will return to a rising path in 2024; the MPC needn’t panic.

Samuel TombsUK

UK Datanote: U.K. Consumer Prices, January 2024

  • In one line: Near-term momentum in services price rises is slowing, bolstering Q2 rate cut chances.

Samuel TombsUK

16 February 2024 UK Monitor Four reasons why the MPC won't dwell on recession news

  • The MPC won’t put much weight on news GDP fell again in Q4, not least due to the upward bias in revisions.
  • The downside surprise in GDP relative to the MPC’s forecast was largely due to real government expenditure.
  • Surveys of business and consumer confidence have strengthened into 2024; expect GDP to rise again in Q1.

Samuel TombsUK

15 February 2024 UK Monitor Underlying services price rises still slowing, bolstering rate-cut hopes

  • Headline CPI inflation and services CPI inflation both undershot the MPC’s forecast by 0.1pp in January.
  • Sharp falls in accommodation prices and airfares helped but the underlying rate of services price rises also eased.
  • The headline rate still looks set to fall below the 2% target in Q2, with core CPI inflation down to 3.0% by May.

Samuel TombsUK

14 February 2024 UK Monitor Labour market likely less tight than the LFS implies

  • The fall in the LFS measure of unemployment in H2 is inconsistent with indicators of improving staff availability.
  • The risk of non-response bias is very high; just 15% of approached households participated in the LFS in Q4.
  • Ex-bonus wages rose 4.0% month-to-month annual- ised in December, but revisions might alter the picture.

Samuel TombsUK

13 February 2024 UK Monitor Retail sales likely underwhelmed again in January

  • We look for a below-consensus 1.3% month-to-month rise in January retail sales...
  • ...Surveys were very weak, and December’s sharp drop might be revised smaller, reducing scope for a rebound.
  • Sticky energy payments might explain some of the gap between rising real disposable income and spending.

Samuel TombsUK

12 February 2024 UK Monitor Services CPI inflation likely rose to 6.9% in January, above the MPC's forecast

  • We think the headline rate of CPI inflation rose merely to 4.1% in January, from 4.0% in December...
  • ...But services inflation likely leapt by 0.5pp to 6.9%; January 2023’s fall in the catering CPI likely wasn’t repeated.
  • Our services inflation forecast exceeds the MPC’s, but it would still point to slowing near-term momentum.

Samuel TombsUK

9 February 2024 UK Monitor December wage data to reinforce the MPC's wait-and-see approach

  • Most labour demand indicators have weakened a bit further, so employee numbers were likely flat in January. 
  • LFS data remain of poor quality; the unemployment rate is probably slightly higher than the current data suggest. 
  • We expect a 0.4% month-to-month rise in ex-bonus AWE in December, still inconsistent with the inflation target.

Samuel TombsUK

8 February 2024 UK Monitor GDP likely fell in December, but talk of a recession seems like overkill

  • We think GDP dropped by 0.3% month-to-month in December, contributing to a 0.1% quarter-to-quarter fall.
  • Stormy weather likely disrupted construction output; strikes weighed on output in the health sector.
  • News of a mild recession, however, won’t take the MPC’s attention away from the risk of ingrained high inflation.

Samuel TombsUK

UK Datanote: U.K. S&P Global/CIPS Services Survey, January 2024

  • In one line: Strengthening recovery will allow the MPC to take its time. 

Samuel TombsUK

UK Datanote: U.K. S&P Global/CIPS Construction Survey, January 2024

  • In one line: Optimism improving as lower borrowing costs start to underpin demand.

Samuel TombsUK

7 February 2024 UK Monitor CPI inflation likely ticked up in January, matching the MPC's forecast

  • CPI inflation likely rose to 4.1% in January, from 4.0% in December, mainly due to base effects.
  • BRC data point to a plunge in core goods CPI inflation, though the relatively early Index Day will limit the decline.
  • The MPC expects the headline rate to rise slightly, but the scale of the jump in services inflation will surprise it.

Samuel TombsUK

6 February 2024 UK Monitor New Labour Force Survey data no hammer blow to rate-cut expectations

  • The ONS now estimates the headline unemployment rate fell to 3.9% in November, from 4.2% in August...
  • ...But it still hasn’t addressed the collapse in the LFS response rate; other data point to rising unemployment.
  • Hidden slack also increased in H2; the number of inactive people wanting work rose, while average hours fell.

Samuel TombsUK

UK Datanote: U.K. Labour Force Survey re-weighting

  • In one line: Downward revision to unemployment rate increases pressure on the MPC to wait. 

Samuel TombsUK

5 February 2024 UK Monitor Forecast Review: swift rate cuts unlikely, despite imminent sub-2% inflation

  • The outlook for real household disposable income has continued to improve...
  • ...Energy prices have fallen and wage growth is moderating slowly; expect further tax cuts in the Budget.
  • We still expect the MPC to cut rates by 75bp in 2024— markets nearly agree—but the risk of fewer cuts has risen.

Samuel TombsUK

UK Datanote: U.K. S&P Global/CIPS Manufacturing Survey, January 2024

  • In one line: Supply chain disruptions threaten to compound the demand-driven downturn in output.  

Samuel TombsUK

2 February 2024 UK Monitor Multiple rate cuts this year signalled, but not as many as investors expect

  • Lingering votes to hike Bank Rate distract from most members’ endorsement of rate cuts this year...
  • ...Two-year-ahead inflation is forecast nearer 2% under market rates than constant rates; upside skew has gone.
  • We still expect the first 25bp cut to come in May, but the risks remain tilted towards a later commencement.

Samuel TombsUK

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