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UK Publications

Below is a list of our UK Publications for the last 6 months. If you are looking for reports older than 6 months please email, or contact your account rep

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Samuel Tombs Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist) Miguel Chanco (Chief EM Asia Economist)

1 February 2024 UK Monitor The Chancellor doth protest too much on the scope for tax cuts

  • New population estimates will likely raise the Chancellor’s room for tax cuts by £5B-to-£10B.
  • The ONS has raised its forecast for growth in the working age population to 1.0% y/y over 2023-2029, from 0.6%.
  • We think the OBR will respond by lifting its forecast for year-over-year growth in potential GDP by about 0.1pp.

Samuel TombsUK

UK Datanote: U.K. Money & Credit, December 2023

  • In one line: Households won’t stay this cautious for long.

Samuel TombsUK

31 January 2024 UK Monitor Credit flows to strengthen, savings to moderate in 2024

  • The pick-up in liquid assets despite meagre net borrowing implies households chose to save more in late 2023.
  • Savings in real terms might still be below trend, but they are better distributed among households than a year ago.
  • Lower mortgage rates have triggered only a small rise in approvals to date, but they will continue to recover in Q1.

Samuel TombsUK

30 January 2024 UK Monitor Weight changes to slow the rate of decline in inflation during 2024

  • Energy’s weight in the CPI will likely decline in 2024, limiting the impact of falling prices on the headline rate.
  • On net, weight changes will have a downward influence on the headline rate of inflation in January of about 8bp...
  • ...But will then raise the path from April, albeit by no more than 20bp in any one month in 2024.

Samuel TombsUK

29 January 2024 UK Monitor Consumers' confidence is now high enough to support rising spending

  • People’s optimism in their personal financial outlook recovered in January to its long-run average.
  • Confidence isn’t always a reliable spending bellwether, though there’s little reason to expect it to mislead now.
  • Governments, however, don’t always get the credit for improving economies, as the Tories discovered in 1997.

Samuel TombsUK

January 2024 - U.K. Chartbook



Samuel TombsUK

26 January 2024 UK Monitor MPC likely to split the difference with the market

  • The MPC will slash its forecast for CPI inflation in 2024 after encouraging recent data and natural gas price falls.
  • This revision will persuade the hawks to join the majority, but concerns about the medium-term outlook will linger.
  • The MPC will try to counter market pricing for swift rate cuts by forecasting above-2% inflation two-years ahead.

Samuel TombsUK

January 2024 - U.K. Housing Watch



Samuel TombsUK

24 January 2024 UK Monitor Lower public borrowing than expected gives green light to tax cuts

  • Public borrowing is on course to undershoot the OBR’s forecast for 2023/24 by about £5B.
  • ‘Fiscal headroom’ is a distraction; Mr. Hunt will cut taxes as much as he can without jeopardising MPC rate cuts.
  • We expect Budget tax cuts of £20B in 2024/25, but some people might save the windfall, fearing tax hikes soon.

Samuel TombsUK

UK Datanote: U.K. Public Finances, December 2023

  • In one line: Falling interest payments create scope for tax cuts which the gilt market can tolerate.

Samuel TombsUK

23 January 2024 UK Monitor What are reliable high-frequency labour market data telling us?

  • Vacancies are falling and redundancies are grinding higher; still no big shifts, but February is a key month.
  • The OBR’s medium-term RPI inflation forecast is too low; a reappraisal would limit the rise in fiscal headroom.
  • Markets’ willingness to absorb extra issuance is the main constraint on tax cuts; Mr. Hunt won’t push it too far.

Samuel TombsUK

22 January 2024 UK Monitor Households' real expenditure to rebound, after a limp end to 2023

  • Retail sales fell by 0.9% q/q in Q4, but spending on services fared better; total spending likely fell only slightly.
  • We judge households have finished re-accumulating the savings buffer they lost in 2022...
  • ...So brisk growth in real disposable income this year should filter through to spending; the MPC won't panic.

Samuel TombsUK

UK Datanote: U.K. Consumer Prices, December 2023

  • In one line: Slowing trend in the all-items index maintained, despite December’s rebound.

Samuel TombsUK

18 January 2024 UK Monitor Consumer price rises still fading quickly enough for a May rate cut

  • Three-month-on-three-month annualised growth in the all-items CPI slowed to just 1.4% in December...
  • ...and to 2.2% for the core CPI; both headline and service inflation have undershot the MPC's forecast.
  • The combination of falling energy prices and flat goods prices points to a 2% headline rate by April.

Samuel TombsUK

UK Datanote: U.K. Labour Market Data, November/December 2023

  • In one line: The recent slowdown in wage growth looks real, but the MPC will remain anxious about the near-term outlook.

Samuel TombsUK

17 January 2024 UK Monitor Wage growth slowed sharply last autumn, but the MPC won't relax yet

  • The autumn slowdown in wage growth looks real; revisions after the second estimate tend to be small...
  • ...But surveys point to a near-term re-acceleration, and the NLW hike looks set to have some bite.
  • The unemployment rate is rising slowly; the MPC can’t be confident it is already above or near its equilibrium.

Samuel TombsUK

16 January 2024 UK Monitor Will the MPC cut Bank Rate by more than 25bp at one meeting?

  • Investors now attach a small probability to the MPC cutting Bank Rate by 50bp at one of its meetings.
  • Almost one-third of Bank Rate cuts have been larger than 25bp, but the odds are low this year.
  • Markets aren’t stressed, recession risks are easing and the MPC would prefer sub-2% to above-target inflation.

Samuel TombsUK

15 January 2024 UK Monitor GDP likely edged down in Q4, but the trend will improve this year

  • GDP is on course to drop marginally in Q4, despite the rebound in November...
  • ...The composite PMI picked up in December, but the retail, construction and health sectors all likely struggled.
  • A recovery, however, should take hold soon; we look for 0.7% year-over-year growth in GDP in 2024.

Samuel TombsUK

UK Datanote: U.K. GDP, November 2023

  • In one line: The underlying trend still looks flat, but a genuine recovery will take hold this year.

Samuel TombsUK

11 January 2024 UK Monitor CPI Inflation Likely Stable in December, Well Below the MPC's Forecast

  • The headline rate of CPI inflation likely remained at 3.9% in December, staying 0.7pp below the MPC’s MPR forecast.
  • Core goods CPI inflation probably recovered a bit after November’s dip, but services inflation likely edged down.
  • A base effect likely reduced accommodation services inflation; no reason to expect an erratic airfares outturn.

Samuel TombsUK

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