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PM Datanote: US Employment, September

Low response rate suggests jump in payrolls very likely to be revised away.

Samuel TombsUS

7 October 2024 US Monitor One suspicious-looking jobs number will not distract the Fed

  • The scope for another downward revision to payrolls is high, given the low response rate in September.
  • The dip in the unemployment rate is statistically insignificant; reliable surveys point to a rising trend.
  • A 25bp easing in November remains a good bet, but labor market data will force a faster pace thereafter.

Samuel TombsUS

PM Datanote: US ISM Services Survey, September

Still consistent with further falls in services inflation.

Oliver Allen (Senior US Economist)US

PM Datanote: US Weekly Jobless Claims, September 28

Boosted marginally by Boeing; expect a further uplift from Hurricane Helene ahead.

Samuel TombsUS

4 October 2024 US Monitor Soft payrolls and low jobless claims can co-exist, if hiring is weak enough

  • Payrolls likely rose by only 135K in September, constrained by slow private and government hiring.
  • Initial claims have been distorted by iffy seasonals; unemployment won’t track the drop in continuing claims.
  • October private job growth will be close to zero, if strikes at Boeing and the ports continue next week.

Samuel TombsUS

PM Datanote: US ADP Employment, September

Indicators with a better track record paint a much weaker picture.

Samuel TombsUS

3 October 2024 US Monitor Claims likely edged up last week; Helene will drive a bigger rise soon

  • We look for a small rise in initial claims to about 225K, from 218K, driven by rolling furloughs at Boeing.
  • Storm Helene likely will lift claims to about 250K soon; port-related disruption may add to the pick up.
  • The end of the student loan payment “on-ramp” will only hit annual consumption by 0.15% at most. 

Samuel TombsUS

PM Datanote: US ISM Manufacturing Survey, September

Still depressed; core goods prices likely to keep falling.

Oliver Allen (Senior US Economist)US

2 October 2024 US Monitor Strikes at the ports will depress GDP only if they last beyond this week

  • Supply chains have enough flex for a one-week ports strike to have only a negligible impact on GDP...
  • ...But a more protracted walkout would weigh greatly on the manufacturing and retail sectors.
  • Manufacturing and residential construction payrolls both look likely to decline in the coming months.

Samuel TombsUS

1 October 2024 US Monitor Only three indicators are useful in payroll forecasting; all are flawed

  • Only NFIB, Conference Board and Indeed data predict jobs growth better than a 
    six-month average.
  • Collectively, these indicators point to a 115K rise in September private payrolls and a 135K in total NFP.
  • The unemployment rate likely edged up; the recent fall in continuing claims is not indicative of the trend.

Samuel TombsUS

PM Datanote: US Advance Goods Trade, August

Net trade probably only a small drag on headline growth in Q3.

Oliver Allen (Senior US Economist)US

30 September 2024 US Monitor Households' support for strong GDP growth is set to fade

  • The latest batch of data for August have led us to lift our forecast for Q3 GDP growth to 2.5%, from 2.0%.
  • Households’ saving rate has been revised up sharply, but the stock of liquid assets still looks low.
  • Further labor market weakening will depress income growth and prompt many households to save more.

Samuel TombsUS

PM Datanote: US Durable Goods Orders, August

Underlying equipment investment is still weak, but computers and aircraft are red hot.

Oliver Allen (Senior US Economist)US

PM Datanote: US New Home Sales, August

Suspiciously strong and likely to drop back from here.

Oliver Allen (Senior US Economist)US

27 September 2024 US Monitor GDP revisions embellish picture of US outperformance post-Covid

  • The estimated increase in real GDP since Q4 2019 has been revised up to 10.7%, from 9.4%.
  • August PCE data will point to continued strength in consumers’ spending, but slower growth likely looms.
  • We look for a 0.14% August core PCE print, slightly below the consensus.

Samuel TombsUS

26 September 2024 US Monitor Underlying demand for capital goods still looks very weak

  • Survey measures of investment intentions point to a weak August durable goods report...
  • ...But for now, solid investment in computers and transportation is offsetting broader weakness. 
  • Seasonally adjustment issues point to another low initial claims print; the labor market is still worsening.

Samuel TombsUS

25 September 2024 US Monitor How will the November elections alter the outlook for fiscal policy?

  • We see limited macro implications if Democrats keep the White House...
  • ...But split control of Congress likely would mean a slight tightening in fiscal policy, given current plans.
  • A Trump victory risks higher inflation and rates, and weaker growth, especially if GOP sweeps Congress.

Samuel TombsUS

24 September 2024 US Monitor GDP revisions should fix puzzle of falling corporate interest payments

  • The GDP-GDI gap is big, but revisions usually result in GDI being pulled towards GDP, not vice-versa. 
  • Firms’ interest payments likely will be revised up, boosting the imputed interest income of households.
  • The employment index of S&P’s PMI survey points to very weak growth in private payrolls this autumn.

Samuel TombsUS

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