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Daily Monitor Moorthy Krshnan (Senior Asia Economist)

20 September 2024 Emerging Asia Monitor Malaysian export figures point to above-consensus 2024 growth

  • Ignore Malaysia’s smaller trade surplus in August, as the economy ramps up intermediate imports...
  • ...The recovery in electronics exports continues to gather steam, powering manufacturing growth.
  • The CBC sounds increasingly desperate in trying to rein in housing prices; an uphill task, in our view.

Moorthy Krshnan (Senior Asia Economist)Emerging Asia

10 September 2024 Emerging Asia Monitor Record surplus aside, Taiwan's exports running on a single engine

  • Electronics to the US for AI-related investment continue to support Taiwanese export growth…
  • …This demand is likely to remain firm, but its strong performance hides weakness elsewhere.
  • The July fall in Malaysian retail sales growth is more likely stabilisation, rather than real weakness.

Moorthy Krshnan (Senior Asia Economist)Emerging Asia

6 September 2024 Emerging Asia Monitor BNM likely to enjoy a 'Goldilocks' moment, with a pause until 2025

  • BNM is likely to stay on hold for the rest of 2024, faced with slowing CPI and a strong GDP outlook.
  • Taiwanese CPI is set to benefit from slower imported inflation, but rental growth is still a worry.
  • Singaporean retail sales growth is likely to remain weak for most of H2, barring friendly base effects.

Moorthy Krshnan (Senior Asia Economist)Emerging Asia

23 August 2024 Emerging Asia Monitor BNM has little reason to rock the boat; likely to be on hold in 2024

  • Malaysian headline inflation benefited from food disinflation, which offset higher services inflation...
  • …But this engine of disinflation is likely to stall in the coming months, resulting in the headline rising.
  • We still expect the BNM to hold policy rates in 2024, as average inflation is below its forecast.

Moorthy Krshnan (Senior Asia Economist)Emerging Asia

21 August 2024 Emerging Asia Monitor Malaysian exports in H2 to benefit from stronger electronics growth

  • Both export and import growth in Malaysia beat consensus by a large margin in July…
  • …But the stronger surge in import growth resulted in the trade surplus more than halving.
  • Smaller trade surpluses are likely to be typical in H2, but a pick-up in real activity should support GDP.

Moorthy Krshnan (Senior Asia Economist)Emerging Asia

1 August 2024 Emerging Asia Monitor Demand for cutting-edge chips drives investment boom in Taiwan

  • Q2 GDP growth in Taiwan surprised to the upside, coming in at 5.1%, after 6.6% in Q1...
  • ...Benefiting from higher external demand for AI-related manufacturing and investment.
  • We now expect stronger 2024 GDP growth, at 4.1%, compared to 3.7% previously.

Moorthy Krshnan (Senior Asia Economist)Emerging Asia

24 July 2024 Emerging Asia Monitor MAS should hold off on loosening despite big drop in June inflation

  • Headline inflation in Singapore fell sharply in June, mainly benefiting from lower COE prices...
  • ...But the stickiness of core inflation should keep the MAS from loosening policy for the rest of 2024.
  • Taiwanese retail sales growth picked up in June, but weak real wage growth is clouding the H2 outlook.

Moorthy Krshnan (Senior Asia Economist)Emerging Asia

19 July 2024 Emerging Asia Monitor Malaysian export growth to benefit from commodities uplift in H2

  • Malaysian headline export growth slowed in June on weaker re-export and electronics growth…
  • …Adverse base effects dominated the headline damage though, masking a monthly improvement.
  • The electronics recovery and stronger commodities exports should support headline growth in H2.

Moorthy Krshnan (Senior Asia Economist)Emerging Asia

18 July 2024 Emerging Asia Monitor Singaporean export growth to see a more durable recovery in H2

  • Non-oil domestic export growth in Singapore ended H2 on a disappointing note…
  • …As electronics and non-monetary gold exports slumped, even as intermediate goods rose.
  • Electronics exports look unlikely to regain May’s high, but H2 should still see a growth recovery.

Moorthy Krshnan (Senior Asia Economist)Emerging Asia

15 July 2024 Emerging Asia Monitor Manufacturing recovery likely still on the cards in Singapore

  • Singapore’s Q2 GDP beat the consensus thanks to the recovery in goods-producing industries...
  • ...Powered by an upswing in manufacturing and robust construction activity.
  • We raise our 2024 GDP growth forecast to 2.7% from 2.4% previously, up from 1.1% in 2023.

Moorthy Krshnan (Senior Asia Economist)Emerging Asia

12 July 2024 Emerging Asia Monitor Inflation outlook uncertainty keeps the BNM on hold

  • BNM held its policy rate this month, as it waits to see the impact of the diesel-subsidy removal…
  • …A relatively strong growth outlook is providing it with the bandwidth for a continued pause.
  • Malaysian GDP growth likely improved to 4.8% year-over-year in Q2, from 4.2% in Q1.

Moorthy Krshnan (Senior Asia Economist)Emerging Asia

26 June 2024 Emerging Asia Monitor Indirect effects from Malaysia's subsidy removal should be limited

  • Malaysian headline inflation picked up in May due to a sharp rise in the price of streaming services…
  • …It will rise further in June, as the lift from the diesel-subsidy removal shows up in the data.
  • Labour-market tightness also looks set to stoke inflation, changes to administered prices aside.

Moorthy Krshnan (Senior Asia Economist)Emerging Asia

25 June 2024 Emerging Asia Monitor Forget COE premiums and focus on services in Singaporean CPI

  • Headline inflation in Singapore rose in May, as higher COE prices pushed up transport inflation…
  • …But the real story is core inflation staying at 3.1% for a third straight month, due to sticky services.
  • The Taiwanese retail outlook looks weak for now, but the likelihood of stronger wage growth has risen.

Moorthy Krshnan (Senior Asia Economist)Emerging Asia

21 June 2024 Emerging Asia Monitor Electronics recovery supports Malaysian export growth in May

  • Malaysia’s export growth surprised to the upside in May, thanks to a sharp rise in electronics exports…
  • …This more than compensated for a fall in commodity exports and a drag from re-exports.
  • Adverse base effects aside, electronics exports still has more fuel in the tank for a further recovery.

Moorthy Krshnan (Senior Asia Economist)Emerging Asia

19 June 2024 Emerging Asia Monitor A reprieve for Singapore's long-suffering semiconductor sector

  • It’s not often that a growth figure of -0.1% brings joy, but it did in the case of Singapore’s May exports...
  • ...We found much to celebrate, as semiconductor exports are finally showing signs of life.
  • We still expect the recovery in exports to be gradual but now see stronger signs of its likely durability.

Moorthy Krshnan (Senior Asia Economist)Emerging Asia

14 June 2024 Emerging Asia Monitor Too early to declare victory in Taiwan's battle against inflation

  • The CBC made no change to its policy rate yesterday, but raised its RRR by 0.25pp...
  • ...To stymie the flow of credit to the property sector, which has brushed off previous cooling measures.
  • We expect the CBC to stay on hold, but upside risks to inflation might provoke another hike in Q3.

Moorthy Krshnan (Senior Asia Economist)Emerging Asia

12 June 2024 Emerging Asia Monitor Malaysia finally bites the bullet on fuel-subsidy rationalisation

  • We see the recent diesel-subsidy rationalisation in Malaysia as a net negative for retail sales growth...
  • ...The impact on inflation is likely to be stronger, pushing the headline rate above 3% from June.
  • Retail sales growth in Indonesia plunged into the red in April; this year’s Ramadan splurge was limp.

Moorthy Krshnan (Senior Asia Economist)Emerging Asia

7 June 2024 Emerging Asia Monitor Stickiness of Taiwanese CPI over 2% raises risk of further tightening

  • Taiwanese headline inflation was above the consensus in May, as goods disinflation U-turned...
  • …Services inflation remained above 2%, on high rental prices and a still-tight labour market.
  • A better growth outlook could spur the CBC to raise rates next week to combat inflation expectations.

Moorthy Krshnan (Senior Asia Economist)Emerging Asia

1 May 2024 Emerging Asia Monitor Taiwan's Q1 GDP as good as it'll likely get in 2024

  • Taiwan’s consensus-beating Q1 GDP print was driven by a strong recovery in net trade…
  • …But less friendly base effects and still-soft export volumes point to growth slowing from Q2.
  • All told, we have raised our 2024 GDP growth forecast to 3.7%, from 3.4%, after Q1’s hot print.

Moorthy Krshnan (Senior Asia Economist)Emerging Asia

10 April 2024 Emerging Asia Monitor Upward risks to Taiwanese inflation increasing, March plunge aside

  • Headline inflation in Taiwan nosedived to 2.1% in March, after jumping to 3.1% in February…
  • …As positive Lunar New Year demand effects reversed sharply; food base effects helped too.
  • Food prices should drag more on the headline, but upward risks from energy and services have risen.

Moorthy Krshnan (Senior Asia Economist)Emerging Asia

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