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Daily Monitor Duncan Wrigley

26 September 2024 China+ Monitor Japan's flash PMIs indicate diverging sector performances

  • Japan’s sluggish September flash manufacturing PMI remained below 50 for a third straight month.
  • The September flash services activity index, by contrast, remains strong.
  • The rise in the services output price index suggests continued services inflation.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

25 September 2024 China+ Monitor China's monetary policy easing only a short-term sugar rush

  •  PBoC Governor Pan yesterday announced a set of broad monetary policy support measures.
  • These are likely to give a short-term lift to markets, and growth, especially if fiscal policy is stepped up.
  • But they don’t address the underlying structural issues, meaning growth is likely to slow again.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

19 September 2024 China+ Monitor China's residential market wallowing in the mire, as policy boost wanes

  • China’s August developer-funding figures improved only because of policy support, namely loans.
  • Home sales remained weak in August, as the impact of the May policy support is fading.
  • A long, grinding recovery is in prospect, with no sign of a change in approach from drip-fed support.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

18 September 2024 China+ Monitor China's steady headline credit growth masks sinking private credit demand

  • China’s August headline credit growth was pretty steady, but due only to government-bond issuance...
  • ...Private credit demand looks weak, and on-balance-sheet bill financing was suspiciously large.
  • The PBoC is preparing “incremental policy” measures, likely an RRR cut and structural tools.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

17 September 2024 China+ Monitor Deep structural adjustment weighing down China's domestic demand

  • China’s retail sales growth faded in August, as people held back on big-ticket purchases.
  • Bad weather delayed construction, despite a large funding boost from government-bond issuance.
  • Policymakers are unlikely to hit the policy panic button, even if it risks missing 2024’s growth target.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

13 September 2024 China+ Monitor China's domestic economy probably cooled further in August

  • China’s early reporting data point to softening domestic demand in August.
  • Officials are likely to blame poor activity readings on bad weather, but that’s only part of the story.
  • Structural adjustment is dragging on demand, with piecemeal policy support only a partial offset.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

10 September 2024 China+ Monitor Insipid core consumer inflation confirms sorry demand picture

  • China’s disappointing August core consumer inflation data point to persistently weak demand.
  • Headline CPI was boosted by a short-term spike in fresh vegetable prices.
  • A sharper drop in producer prices reflects excess industrial supply and the laggardly stimulus impact.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

6 September 2024 China+ Monitor BoJ intent on policy normalisation, even if wage growth slows

  • Japan’s nominal wage growth held up well in July, thanks to both bonuses and regular pay rises.
  • Headline wage growth is likely to fade in the coming months, but that won’t shift the BoJ.
  • The timing of the BoJ’s next rate hike is dependent on its perception of market risk.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

5 September 2024 China+ Monitor China's services firms cut prices, despite rising costs and activity

  • China’s August services PMIs indicate steady demand growth, but activity was hit by bad weather.
  • Services firms cut prices, in response to fierce competition, despite rising costs.
  • Consumers remain much more keen to spend on tourism rather than big-ticket items or housing.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

7 August 2024 China+ Monitor Japan's eye-catching wage uptick unlikely to be sustained for long

  • Japan’s June wage rise beat market expectations, in both nominal and real terms.
  • The rise was largely driven by a spike in special cash payments, rather than regular pay.
  • Governor Ueda will, however, cite the wage uptick as justifying last week’s BoJ’s policy rate hike.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

1 August 2024 China+ Monitor BoJ ignores economy worries with aggressive double move

  • The BoJ yesterday announced a policy rate hike, despite cutting its inflation forecast for this year.
  • Governor Ueda said the Bank will continue to raise rates if growth and inflation match its expectations.
  • The real motivation for the rate increase is probably to minimise the risk of a steep JPY reversal.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

26 July 2024 China+ Monitor China's rate cuts indicate worries about the dimming growth outlook

  • The PBoC yesterday made an unscheduled 20bp MLF rate cut, following earlier policy rate cuts.
  • Policymakers are clearly worried about the H2 outlook, after Q2 GDP growth halved versus Q1.
  • Policymakers are likely to stress fiscal support to stabilise growth, but no mega-stimulus.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

25 July 2024 China+ Monitor Japan's mixed PMI readings unlikely to alter BoJ's caution on growth

  • Japan’s July flash manufacturing index sank to the lowest in four months, hit by the auto safety scandal.
  • Higher import prices, because of the weak JPY, are driving up business costs.
  • The service sector returned to growth, enjoying a likely brief spending boost from a one-off tax rebate.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

23 July 2024 China+ Monitor PBoC swings into action with early rate cuts to support growth

  • The PBoC yesterday took markets by surprise with a 10bp policy rate cut to support the economy.
  • Policymakers are prioritising growth support after the disappointing Q2 GDP outturn.
  • President Xi’s comments confirm the ‘advanced manufacturing first’ reform strategy.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

18 July 2024 China+ Monitor China's residential market showing signs of life but still in a dire state

  • China’s residential sales are staging a modest and narrowly based revival, thanks to policy easing.
  • But prices are still mostly falling, and the recovery is fragile given high housing inventories.
  • A drawn-out and bumpy rebound is still the most likely scenario, gradually limiting the drag on growth.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

17 July 2024 China+ Monitor China's lacklustre credit data hit by slowing growth and restructuring

  • China’s soft June credit data indicated weak demand for funding, except government bonds.
  • Higher net long-term household loans probably reflect a revival in pre-owned property sales.
  • Money growth continued to be buffeted by fund flows from corporate bank deposits into bond funds.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

16 July 2024 China+ Monitor China hits a soft patch in Q2, as domestic demand dwindles

  • China’s Q2 sequential GDP growth was the lowest in two years, hit by fading domestic demand.
  • Industrial output growth has been relatively steady, supported by export demand.
  • A fiscal policy support top-up is increasingly likely, with monetary easing playing second fiddle.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

15 July 2024 China+ Monitor China's trade surplus hits record high thanks to weaker import demand

  • China’s exports continued to recover in June, while imports fell, leading to a record trade surplus.
  • Shipments to ASEAN were strong, and to the US also picked up; falling imports signal weak demand.
  • Near-term exports will be helped by a favorable base; EV export uncertainty due to tariffs will linger.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

12 July 2024 China+ Monitor BoK edges towards rate cuts, though export vigour reduces the urgency

  • The BoK held fast on the policy rate yesterday but shifted the focus to rate cuts.
  • Disinflation should continue in H2, despite the risks from higher import costs and the weak KRW.
  • Chip exports will likely drive GDP growth enough for the BoK to delay its first rate cut until October.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

11 July 2024 China+ Monitor China's subdued consumer inflation reflects tepid demand and sentiment

  • China’s consumer inflation remained soft in June, as the 618 e-commerce event proved a damp squib.
  • Pork inflation is reviving, though most other food prices are still falling.
  • Headline producer price deflation eased in June, but largely thanks to international commodity inflation.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

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