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Duncan Wrigley

CHINA+ DATA WRAP 2 September 2024:Caixin manufacturing index still at low level

Caixin manufacturing index still at low level, despite modest uptick
Korea's manufacturing index robust, but export orders slip

Duncan WrigleyChina+

2 September 2024 China+ Monitor China's aging housing stock another reason for people to save

  • China’s controversial ‘housing pension’ scheme rollout highlights the cost of an aging housing stock.
  • Homeowners worry they will have to foot more of the bill for maintaining housing; another reason to save.
  • Q2 credit data suggest the game plan to hit “about 5%” GDP growth this year is running into obstacles.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

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independent macro research, Pantheon Macro, Pantheon Macroeconomics, independent research, ian shepherdson, economic intelligence