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Daily Monitor Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)

27 September 2024 UK Monitor Policy rules support a gradual approach to reducing Bank Rate

  • A suite of Taylor rules forecasts Bank Rate between 3.4% and 4.3% at the end of 2025.
  • These forecasts are based on MPC inflation and growth projections, which we think are too low.
  • Policy rules that are more robust to uncertainty about the neutral rate suggest more gradual cuts.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

26 September 2024 UK Monitor CPI inflation will be boosted by duties and school fees

  • A Chancellor scrabbling for tax revenue will likely turn to alcohol and tobacco duty hikes.
  • We expect Ms. Reeves to raise tobacco duty—by 4% above RPI inflation—and alcohol duty in December.
  • Our forecasts include a 10% private-school fee hike, split September 2024, January and September 2025.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

25 September 2024 UK Monitor House price inflation will accelerate as the MPC cuts interest rates

  • We expect house price inflation to accelerate to 4.5% year-over-year in December.
  • MPC rate cuts, solid wage growth and low unemployment will drive that housing rebound.
  • Forward-looking indicators suggest upside risk; they point to 6% year-over-year house price gains.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

24 September 2024 UK Monitor Solid growth and falling inflation will keep the MPC easing gradually

  • The composite PMI decline and drop in output price inflation raise the potential for faster rate cuts.
  • But the PMI remains consistent with 0.4% quarter-to-quarter GDP growth…
  • ...While still-strong forward-looking sub-balances suggest the headline PMI will rebound.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

20 September 2024 UK Monitor MPC reinforces its gradual approach to rate cuts

  • The MPC kept Bank Rate on hold, as expected, but the 8-to-1 vote was less dovish than expected.
  • The MPC signalled a gradual rate-cutting cycle, which suggests to us one cut per quarter.
  • We expect the MPC to cut Bank Rate by 25bp in November and again in February.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

19 September 2024 UK Monitor Services inflation close to MPC's forecast should keep rates on hold

  • Underlying services inflation pressures continue to ease, so the MPC will cut rates again this year.
  • But August’s CPI inflation gives the MPC little reason to rush to cut today; it will wait until November.
  • Core CPI inflation jumped to 3.6% in August, which we think was close to the MPC’s expectation.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

18 September 2024 UK Monitor Consumer confidence points to an improvement in spending

  • Consumer confidence has provided a reliable signal of consumer spending for 50 years.
  • Confidence points to consumption strengthening and unemployment falling.
  • Consumers’ saving intentions are high but they provide little useful signal about actual saving.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

17 September 2024 UK Monitor Government debt on an unsustainable trajectory

  • The OBR has again deemed the public finances to be on an unsustainable trajectory.
  • Climate-change mitigation and an ageing population will be costly for the exchequer.
  • Lifting productivity growth is crucial for ensuring the debt burden remains manageable

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

13 September 2024 UK Monitor MPC preview: rates on hold and little new guidance

  • We expect the MPC to vote 7-to-2 to keep Bank Rate on hold at next week’s policy meeting.
  • Rate-setters will note slowing inflation supports faster cuts but a solid labour market suggests caution.
  • The MPC will signal further rate cuts are likely, but that policy will need to stay sufficiently restrictive.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

12 September 2024 UK Monitor GDP dragged down by erratic sectors but will rebound in August

  • A second consecutive month of unchanged GDP gives little reason for worry.
  • GDP was depressed by erratic sectors; they will rebound, and surveys point to robust growth.
  • So, the MPC will still wait until November to cut interest rates again despite the downside GDP surprise.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

11 September 2024 UK Monitor Labour market continuing to ease at a gradual pace

  • Job growth slowed in H1, but surveys suggest hiring is improving, while redundancies remain low.
  • Pay growth continues to ease, but less than AWE shows, and it remains too high for comfort.
  • The labour market is loosening gradually but is far from collapsing; the MPC can afford to wait. 

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

10 September 2024 UK Monitor CPI preview: we expect services inflation to rise to 5.6% in August

  • CPI inflation likely rose to 2.3% in August, from 2.2% in July, 0.1pp below the MPC’s forecast.
  • Airfares will rebound from July’s slowdown, which was driven by the early CPI collection date.
  • Almost anything is possible with hotel prices, but they likely fell less than in August 2023.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

6 September 2024 UK Monitor GDP likely grew 0.2% month-to-month in July

  • We expect GDP to rise 0.2% month-to-month in July, thanks to retail sales growth and fewer strike days.
  • Professional services are the wild card for July; we make a conservative growth assumption.
  • Our Q3 growth forecast is close to rounding up to 0.5% quarter-to-quarter, above the MPC’s 0.4%.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

5 September 2024 UK Monitor Strong growth means the MPC can wait until November to cut again

  • The final August PMI signals Q3 GDP growth of 0.4-to-0.5% quarter-to-quarter.
  • The PMI indicates falling inflation, but rising margins and job growth will keep price rises elevated.
  • The MPC has little reason to rush through another rate cut this month; it will wait until November.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

4 September 2024 UK Monitor Labour market preview: jobless rate and wage growth set to drop

  • The July jobless rate should fall to 4.1%, with a risk of a 4.0% print, while LFS job growth should accelerate.
  • We look for August PAYE employment to gain 30K month-to-month.
  • We assume 0.5% month-to-month AWE growth in July, and a 0.1pp upward revision to growth in May.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

23 August 2024 UK Monitor Higher output, lower inflation; MPC will still be wary of labour demand

  • The PMI is now pointing to Q3 GDP rising by 0.3% quarter-to-quarter, below the MPC’s forecast.
  • Falling inflation signalled by the August PMI as both input and output price balances drop.
  • Firms are confident to hire again; the MPC will be wary of employment growth in a tight labour market.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

22 August 2024 UK Monitor QT update: No need to wring our hands over repo

  • We expect the MPC to agree in September that QT will continue at a £100B-a-year pace from October.
  • The BoE has welcomed increased use of its short-term repo facility as part of a strategic shift…
  • a demand-driven reserves system, while small changes to active QT would be fine-tuning.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

21 August 2024 UK Monitor GDP revisions will have little effect on monetary or fiscal policy

  • The ONS Blue Book revisions raised the level of GDP in Q4 2022 by 0.8%.
  • Statistician’s will publish full revisions up to the latest data in Q2 2024 on September 30.
  • Revisions to growth two years ago will have little effect on monetary or fiscal policy.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

20 August 2024 UK Monitor MPC's switch to scenarios implies gradual rate cuts

  • The MPC has shifted its focus away from inflation and wages to broader economic scenarios.
  • Even rate-setters voting for an August cut placed considerable weight on the more hawkish scenario.
  • Reduced data-sensitivity and the scenarios suggest gradual rate cuts, with the next one in November.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

16 August 2024 UK Monitor We are optimistic that GDP will keep growing solidly in H2 2024

  • GDP was unchanged month-to-month in June and grew 0.6% quarter-to-quarter in Q2 as expected.
  • Growth will slow in H2 2024, but consumer spending should keep the economy expanding solidly.
  • We see upside risks to our forecast for 1.2% year- over-year GDP growth in 2024.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

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