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Daily Monitor Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)

25 July 2024 UK Monitor PMI rising and inflation slowing, but the labour market will tighten

  • The July PMI is consistent with Q3 GDP growth of 0.2% quarter-to-quarter.
  • But surging new orders and future business expectations suggest the PMI will leap in August.
  • Slowing output prices will comfort the MPC, but stronger hiring could keep wage growth elevated.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

24 July 2024 UK Monitor The large current account deficit is storing up trouble

  • The wide current account deficit reflects elevated fuel import costs and weak investment income.
  • Neither factor is likely to improve in the near future, so we expect the large current account deficit to persist.
  • That will hold sterling back, as will the weakest international investment position in 37 years.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

23 July 2024 UK Monitor Public-sector pay deals just the tip of the iceberg

  • Chancellor Rachel Reeves hinted she would accept 5.5% public-sector pay rises this year.
  • We also expect Ms. Reeves to raise government borrowing by £22B in 2029/30 in the Autumn Statement.
  • Higher public-sector pay rises than expected will have only a minor effect on the interest rate outlook.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

19 July 2024 UK Monitor The MPC will like slowing wages but should watch jobs and revisions

  • The headlines from yesterday’s labour-market data will be music to the MPC’s ears…
  • …They show slowing private-sector pay growth and signs of a continued gradual rise in unemployment.
  • But the MPC must be careful; job growth is bouncing back, and AWE will likely be revised up.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

18 July 2024 UK Monitor Services inflation too strong for the MPC to cut rates in August

  • June’s services inflation strength supports our call for the MPC to wait until September to cut rates.
  • It’s a close call, as an erratic surge in hotel prices linked to music events boosted services inflation.
  • We expect headline CPI inflation to rise to 2.2% in July and 2.9% in November.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

16 July 2024 UK Monitor MPC will cut rates only gradually once it starts

  • BoE Chief Economist Huw Pill’s speech last week signals the first rate cut is mostly data-independent.
  • The hawks are shifting to argue for only gradual cuts, so back-to-back reductions will face stiff resistance.
  • Mr. Pill suggested interest rates may need to remain persistently restrictive to keep inflation at the target.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

10 July 2024 UK Monitor CPI preview: services inflation likely to outstrip MPC's forecast

  • CPI inflation likely fell to 1.9% in June, from 2.0% in May, 0.1pp below the MPC’s forecast.
  • We expect June CPI services inflation to exceed the MPC’s forecast by the same 42bp margin as in May.
  • Rate-setters whose June vote was a close call will be happy with the same services inflation miss as May.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

9 July 2024 UK Monitor Labour-market preview: another strong wage gain in May

  • We expect PAYE employment to rise 5K in June, while the unemployment rate should hold at 4.4%.
  • We think private-sector AWE will rise 0.6% month-to-month in May, as April’s NLW hike feeds through.
  • Pay beating the MPC’s 0.2% forecast would support our call that it will wait until September to cut rates.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

5 July 2024 UK Monitor GDP likely rose 0.2% month-to- month in May

  • We expect GDP to rise 0.2% month-to-month in May, as retail sales and manufacturing rebound.
  • GDP is on track to increase 0.5% quarter-to-quarter in Q2, matching the MPC’s forecast.
  • We expect growth to slow to 0.3% quarter-to-quarter in H2 2024, still stronger than the MPC expects.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

4 July 2024 UK Monitor The PMI falls but beats consensus; it will rebound

  • The PMI fell in June, but we think this will not become a trend...
  • …as businesses will look to ramp up activity if the election delivers a clear result.
  • Output prices picked up in June, squeezing the MPC’s room for manoeuvre at its August meeting.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

3 July 2024 UK Monitor We expect CPI inflation dropped to 1.9% in June

  • We expect CPI inflation to fall to 1.9% in June, from 2.0% in May, 0.1pp below the MPC’s forecast.
  • Inflation will be lowered by falling food inflation and a slight easing in the pace of services price gains.
  • We expect services inflation to exceed the MPC’s forecast by the same margin as in May.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

2 July 2024 UK Monitor Lower consumer saving and firms raising finance will help growth

  • Money and credit data for May suggest consumption and investment will drive brisk GDP growth.
  • Consumers’ reducing the amount they save to pre-Covid norms suggests they are willing to spend.
  • Firms raised £10.4B of external finance in the past three months, above the £7.2B 2015-to-19 average.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

28 June 2024 UK Monitor Seven days to go; what will the election result bring?

  • All available polls suggest the Labour Party will win a large majority in the July 4 general election.
  • Labour is proposing a credible strategy for boosting growth, but it will take time to bear fruit. 
  • Meanwhile, a slow-growing economy and implausible fiscal forecasts mean more borrowing and taxes.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

27 June 2024 UK Monitor Rebounding GDP growth is slowing labour-market loosening

  • Official labour-market data remain unreliable despite statisticians’ attempts to boost the sample size.
  • Surveys suggest labour-market loosening has slowed as GDP growth has rebounded.
  • The decline in immigration removes one factor that has helped ease the labour market since 2022.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

25 June 2024 UK Monitor Just meeting the Budget growth forecasts will be hard

  • Government borrowing forecasts are already based on GDP growth accelerating.
  • The next government needs to boost growth just to fund implausibly weak Budget spending plans.
  • Tax receipts will fall £30B a year below forecasts if productivity and participation match recent trends.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

21 June 2024 UK Monitor The MPC is itching to cut, so two rate reductions this year are likely

  • The MPC voted seven-to-two to keep interest rates on hold, as expected.
  • The minutes of the meeting give the strong impression that the MPC is itching to cut rates.
  • We stick to our call that the MPC will wait until September, but August is very much live.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

20 June 2024 UK Monitor Persistent services inflation means further delay to rate cuts

  • CPI inflation returned to the 2.0% target in May, for the first time since July 2021…
  • …But CPI services inflation overshot the MPC’s forecast by 0.4pp, more than the 0.3pp miss in April.
  • So, we push back our call for the first MPC rate cut to September, from August previously.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

19 June 2024 UK Monitor Short-term house price stagnation, medium-term inflation

  • House-price inflation has slowed as rising mortgage interest rates have deterred buyers…
  • …But the typical two-year mortgage rate will drop 50bp by year-end if market pricing of rate cuts is right.
  • We expect house prices to regain momentum and rise 3% year-over-year in December 2024.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

18 June 2024 UK Monitor Taxes will rise but sterling will do just fine

  • The next government will inevitably raise taxes and public spending more than budgeted for currently.
  • We expect that to support sterling by helping to keep market interest rates elevated.
  • We forecast GBPUSD to rise to 1.33 at the end of the year, with risks to the upside.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

14 June 2024 UK Monitor MPC preview: leaving open the timing of the first rate cut

  • We expect the MPC to vote 7-to-2 to hold Bank Rate, after growth, wages and inflation beat its forecasts.
  • Inflation persistence fading more slowly than expected means the MPC will keep its guidance unchanged.
  • We think slowing wage growth and inflation will trigger a rate cut in August.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

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