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Daily Monitor

29 May 2024 US Monitor State and local government construction has boomed; it's over

  • State and local government investment spending has slowed sharply; soon it will fall outright…
  • ...Both tax revenues and federal government payments to S&L are falling; cashflow is evaporating. 
  • The rebound in consumers' confidence likely will prove unsustainable if job growth weakens as we expect.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

24 May 2024 LatAm Monitor Banxico navigates sticky headline inflation amid slowing growth

  • Mexico’s Q1 GDP upward revision masks the underlying economic slowdown; rate cuts are badly needed.
  • Pre-election spending will fuel short-term growth, despite rising public debt and economic challenges.
  • Core inflation is easing in May, allowing a still-hawkish Banxico to consider rate cuts next month.

Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)Latin America

24 May 2024 China+ Monitor BoK signals delay to rate cuts on rising inflation risks

  • The BoK stood pat in May, citing rising inflation risks due to strengthening economic conditions.
  • The rate-cut timing is less certain now due to volatile expectations of the Fed’s move and geopolitical risk . 
  • Japan’s flash PMI surveys show tentative signs of growth broadening to manufacturing.

Kelvin Lam (Senior China+ Economist)China+

24 May 2024 US Monitor Indicators pointing to a worsening labor market still in the majority

  • Ignore the rise in the composite PMI in May it has been a poor guide to GDP growth since the pandemic... 
  • ...The failure of the employment index to reverse April's plunge adds to signs of slowing payroll growth.
  • We look for a small rise in core capital goods shipments in April, due to a calendar quirk, not an improving trend.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

24 May 2024 Emerging Asia Monitor Here comes the downshift in Indian GDP growth from 8%-plus

  • Our final forecast for India’s Q1 GDP next week sees growth slow to 6.2%, from 8.4% in Q4…
  • …The hits should come from an import bounce, weaker public spending and a plunge in valuables.
  • Taiwanese retail sales will remain subdued for the rest of Q2, but a late -H2 recovery is in the works.

Miguel Chanco (Chief EM Asia Economist)Emerging Asia

24 May 2024 Eurozone Monitor ECB to cut rates in June, but the July reduction perished yesterday

  • The June rate cut is safe, but sticky Q1 negotiated wage growth will prevent another one in July. 
  • We now see the ECB easing by 25bp in June, September, October and December; no cuts in 2025.
  • The May EZ PMIs add to our conviction that EZ GDP growth is continuing its tepid rebound in Q2.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

24 May 2024 UK Monitor PMI shows that the inflation downtrend remains on track

  • The flash PMI suggests services CPI inflation will resume its decline after barely falling in April.
  • The PMI suggests growth is slowing to a more comfortable 0.3% quarter-to-quarter pace too.
  • So, the MPC can cut interest rates in August, even if April inflation ended the chances of a June reduction.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

23 May 2024 US Monitor Markets likely to focus on the PMI employment index, despite its record

  • S&P's employment index has a poor long-term correlation with payrolls, but markets are paying attention now.
  • Leading indicators leave us looking for an above-consensus 230K initial claims print today.
  • "Various" FOMC members signalled willingness to hike in the minutes, but the data has moved on since then.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

23 May 2024 Emerging Asia Monitor Malaysian export growth in H2 will come down to electronics

  • Malaysian export growth rose sharply in April, but this was mostly down to favourable base effects…
  • …With this support likely to wane in coming months, all eyes are on the recovery in electronics exports.
  • BI stood pat yesterday, after April’s shock hike; the economy has yet to feel the full force of this cycle.

Miguel Chanco (Chief EM Asia Economist)Emerging Asia

23 May 2024 Eurozone Monitor Will ECB doves have their wings clipped by today's Q1 wage data?

  • Is the idea of a July rate cut sinking without a trace? Isabel Schnabel seems to think so.
  • Today’s Q1 negotiated wage growth data are a wild card; one-offs in Germany are the main upside risk.
  • We agree with Ms. Schnabel’s assessment that the natural rate has increased, at least temporarily.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

23 May 2024 UK Monitor Services inflation surprise means MPC will wait until August to cut

  • We expect the MPC to cut Bank Rate in August, versus June previously, following strong April inflation.
  • Services inflation barely slowed in April and was 0.4pp stronger than the MPC expected.
  • The services strength was widespread and not concentrated in a handful of erratic items.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

22 May 2024 US Monitor Existing home sales probably flat in April, but falls likely further ahead

  • We see existing home sales unchanged last month, but the outlook for the rest of Q2 is dim. 
  • The May rise in Manheim used car prices looks like a blip; sluggish sales will lead to a further margin squeeze.
  • Fed minutes unlikely to change market perceptions about easing timing.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

22 May 2024 LatAm Monitor Colombia's Q1 economic rebound masks underlying weaknesses

  • Mixed signals in Colombia’s Q1 GDP, as strong consumption clashes with weak investment.
  • Policy uncertainty under President Petro is stifling the investment recovery; the outlook remains bleak.
  • The more than 30% collapse in capex since Petro took office highlights the hit, amid high interest rates.

Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)Latin America

22 May 2024 China+ Monitor Korea's export recovery continues, when adjusted for working days

  • Korean 20-day exports slowed sharply in May because of working-day effects.
  • The underlying trend is actually improving after adjustment. Chip shipments remain the major driver.
  • We expect no change at the upcoming BoK meeting but have pushed back our first rate cut to Q4.

Kelvin Lam (Senior China+ Economist)China+

22 May 2024 Eurozone Monitor Net trade will be a drag on EZ GDP growth in coming quarters

  • The EZ goods trade surplus widened in March, and net trade in goods likely boosted GDP in Q1.
  • Advance data from China as well as surveys suggest this boost is disappearing in Q2...
  • ...And we think rising imports means net trade is set to weigh on growth for the rest of the year.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

22 May 2024 UK Monitor Modestly stronger potential growth after the general election

  • Polls suggest the Labour Party will win the general election that must be held by January 2025.
  • The party plans supply-side boosting initiatives, from freeing planning rules to ‘crowding in’ investment.
  • Those policies pose modest upside risk to current UK potential growth of around 1.5% per year.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

21 May 2024 US Monitor Homebase data imply growth in payrolls slowed further in May

  • Our Homebase model points to an initial estimate of a subpar 150K rise in private payrolls in May.  
  • The Redbook measure of year-over-year growth in retail sales has been remarkably strong lately...
  • ...But it has often overstated the trend in the official retail sales data in the recent past; we think it is again. 

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

21 May 2024 LatAm Monitor Strong start to the year for Chile, but downside risks remain

  • Chile’s economy gained traction in Q1, thanks mainly to improving domestic demand.
  • Falling inflation and lower interest rates are gradually supporting the upturn, but downside risks remain.
  • The recovery will likely lose speed but won’t collapse; further monetary policy normalisation will help.

Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)Latin America

21 May 2024 Emerging Asia Monitor Why you shouldn't hang your hat on Thailand's Q1 GDP surprise

  • GDP growth in Thailand smashed expectations in Q1, as it fell trivially to 1.5% from 1.7% in Q4…
  • …But the consumption-and inventories-led quarterly bounce is dubious and unsustainable.
  • Merchandise trade and investment went from bad to worse, though the latter should revive from Q2.

Miguel Chanco (Chief EM Asia Economist)Emerging Asia

21 May 2024 China+ Monitor China's new property measures a good first step, but not enough

  • Policymakers on Friday announced a raft of property support measures aimed at tackling oversupply...
  • ...But the funding allocated to buy up unsold housing inventory is just the start, and more will be needed.
  • In April, second-hand housing prices plunged at their steepest rate since September 2014.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

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