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Below is a list of our Publications for the last 6 months. If you are looking for reports older than 6 months please email, or contact your account rep.

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Daily Monitor

10 September 2024 China+ Monitor Insipid core consumer inflation confirms sorry demand picture

  • China’s disappointing August core consumer inflation data point to persistently weak demand.
  • Headline CPI was boosted by a short-term spike in fresh vegetable prices.
  • A sharper drop in producer prices reflects excess industrial supply and the laggardly stimulus impact.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

10 September 2024 Eurozone Monitor All set for a second 25bp rate cut from the ECB on Thursday

  • The ECB will cut its policy rate by 25bp this week, as widely expected, but what happens in Q4? 
  • We see a higher chance than markets of an October cut, and a lower probability of December easing. 
  • Will the ECB lift its Q4 core inflation forecasts this week? We think so, but how far?

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

10 September 2024 UK Monitor CPI preview: we expect services inflation to rise to 5.6% in August

  • CPI inflation likely rose to 2.3% in August, from 2.2% in July, 0.1pp below the MPC’s forecast.
  • Airfares will rebound from July’s slowdown, which was driven by the early CPI collection date.
  • Almost anything is possible with hotel prices, but they likely fell less than in August 2023.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

6 September 2024 US Monitor Unemployment is often noisy, but an August drop is a sensible bet

  • August unemployment has often surprised to the upside, perhaps due to shifting seasonality…
  • …But continuing claims and state-level data suggest unemployment overshot its trend in July.
  • Growth in unit labor costs is now running well below 2%, pointing to weak underlying inflation. 

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

6 September 2024 LatAm Monitor BCCh cuts rates and projects a faster path to neutral by mid-2025

  • The BCCh resumed its easing, reflecting weaker growth and stable inflation expectations.
  • The Bank signalled a faster path to neutral, in Q2 2025, acknowledging weaker domestic demand.
  • We expect further rate cuts, to 5% by late Q4 and 4% by Q2 2025, but uncertainty is elevated.

Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)Latin America

6 September 2024 Emerging Asia Monitor BNM likely to enjoy a 'Goldilocks' moment, with a pause until 2025

  • BNM is likely to stay on hold for the rest of 2024, faced with slowing CPI and a strong GDP outlook.
  • Taiwanese CPI is set to benefit from slower imported inflation, but rental growth is still a worry.
  • Singaporean retail sales growth is likely to remain weak for most of H2, barring friendly base effects.

Moorthy Krshnan (Senior Asia Economist)Emerging Asia

6 September 2024 China+ Monitor BoJ intent on policy normalisation, even if wage growth slows

  • Japan’s nominal wage growth held up well in July, thanks to both bonuses and regular pay rises.
  • Headline wage growth is likely to fade in the coming months, but that won’t shift the BoJ.
  • The timing of the BoJ’s next rate hike is dependent on its perception of market risk.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

6 September 2024 Eurozone Monitor German industrial output fell in July; ignore EZ retail data for now

  • July’s German factory orders increase was driven by major orders; jump in June’s core orders was a blip. 
  • German industrial turnover figures point to output data today coming in well below consensus. 
  • EZ retail sales are still being compiled without German figures and cannot be relied upon.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

6 September 2024 UK Monitor GDP likely grew 0.2% month-to-month in July

  • We expect GDP to rise 0.2% month-to-month in July, thanks to retail sales growth and fewer strike days.
  • Professional services are the wild card for July; we make a conservative growth assumption.
  • Our Q3 growth forecast is close to rounding up to 0.5% quarter-to-quarter, above the MPC’s 0.4%.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

5 September 2024 US Monitor The case for another sluggish payroll print in August remains solid

  • Homebase data point to strong August payrolls, but most other indicators signal another weak print.  
  • Our 125K forecast for private payrolls will be unaffected by ADP’s estimate today, whatever it says.
  • Q3 GDP looks set to rise at a modest 1½% rate, despite recent momentum in real consumption. 

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

5 September 2024 Emerging Asia Monitor Indonesia tarnishing ASEAN manufacturing; BI must take note

  • ASEAN’s PMI slowed noticeably to 51.1 in August from the mid-to-high 51.0 range since May…
  • …Vietnam's and Thailand’s PMIs saw the biggest declines from July, but Indonesia is the real worry.
  • The deterioration in orders, due to BI’s excessively tight policy stance in Indonesia, is isolated for now.

Miguel Chanco (Chief EM Asia Economist)Emerging Asia

5 September 2024 China+ Monitor China's services firms cut prices, despite rising costs and activity

  • China’s August services PMIs indicate steady demand growth, but activity was hit by bad weather.
  • Services firms cut prices, in response to fierce competition, despite rising costs.
  • Consumers remain much more keen to spend on tourism rather than big-ticket items or housing.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

5 September 2024 Eurozone Monitor France's budget deficit to barely shrink this year; what will EC say?

  • France’s budget deficit won’t shrink much this year, but tough negotiations on the 2025 budget loom. 
  • September is a key month for budget negotiations; a hung parliament points to high risk of a stalemate. 
  • The composite PMIs for Spain and Italy, despite rising in August, point to slower GDP growth in Q3.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

5 September 2024 UK Monitor Strong growth means the MPC can wait until November to cut again

  • The final August PMI signals Q3 GDP growth of 0.4-to-0.5% quarter-to-quarter.
  • The PMI indicates falling inflation, but rising margins and job growth will keep price rises elevated.
  • The MPC has little reason to rush through another rate cut this month; it will wait until November.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

4 September 2024 US Monitor The ongoing manufacturing malaise is a headwind for the economy

  • The details of the August ISM manufacturing survey are bleak, despite the uptick in the headline.
  • Weakness in the manufacturing sector looks set to remain a small drag on payrolls and growth.
  • The July JOLTS report will reinforce the message that the labor market is cooling. 

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

4 September 2024 Eurozone Monitor Swiss GDP growth picks up, but inflation falls; SNB will cut again

  • Net trade drove the increase in Swiss GDP in Q2, while investment held it back.
  • Growth will slow in Q3 but pick up again in Q4, such that GDP rises by 1.2% in 2024 the same as in 2023.
  • Inflation was a touch higher than we expected in August, but the SNB will still cut twice more this year.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

4 September 2024 UK Monitor Labour market preview: jobless rate and wage growth set to drop

  • The July jobless rate should fall to 4.1%, with a risk of a 4.0% print, while LFS job growth should accelerate.
  • We look for August PAYE employment to gain 30K month-to-month.
  • We assume 0.5% month-to-month AWE growth in July, and a 0.1pp upward revision to growth in May.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

3 September 2024 US Monitor Rapid Fed easing warranted despite solid consumer momentum

  • The core PCE deflator undershot the Fed’s forecast yet again in July; expect more benign prints in H2.
  • Recent strength in consumption lacks solid foundations; the saving rate will be higher a year from now.
  • The ISM probably remained soft in August, pointing to weak growth in manufacturing employment

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

3 September 2024 Emerging Asia Monitor Still further for CPI in Indonesia to fall, despite a steady August

  • Indonesia’s main inflation gauges were unchanged in August: the headline at 2.1% and core at 2.0%…
  • …But food inflation remains a big drag and will likely pull the headline below 1.5% at the turn of the year.
  • The budget deficit has ballooned this year, but 2025 looks set to see only marginal subsidy reductions.

Miguel Chanco (Chief EM Asia Economist)Emerging Asia

3 September 2024 China+ Monitor China's manufacturing sector still soft, as fiscal stimulus is diluted

  •  China’s August manufacturing PMIs remained at a low ebb, with a modest uptick in the Caixin gauge.
  • Weakening export orders suggest China cannot count on external demand to hit its growth target.
  • Falling special-bond funds for new project investment is dragging on infrastructure investment.

Kelvin Lam (Senior China+ Economist)China+

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