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Eurozone Publications

Below is a list of our Eurozone Publications for the last 6 months. If you are looking for reports older than 6 months please email, or contact your account rep

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Chartbook Global Weekly Monitor Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)

June 2024 - EZ Economic Chartbook



Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

24 June 2024 Eurozone Monitor EZ PMIs stumbled at the end of Q2; will they pick up again in Q3?

  • The EZ PMI fell in June, but it rose solidly over Q2 as a whole; all eyes are now on the early Q3 data.
  • A drop in the EZ manufacturing output PMI raises questions about the rebound in industry; a blip?
  • The French PMIs were stung by political uncertainty; we think it will blow over by August.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

17 June 2024 Eurozone Monitor Markets still underestimating the amount of SNB easing

  • Swiss inflation held steady in May but is likely to fall in the coming months, to around just 1% by August.
  • Weak growth will drag down domestic inflation, and gas & oil prices point to a falling imported rate.
  • The SNB will probably cut its key policy rate again this week, by 25bp to 1.25%; more cuts are likely.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

10 June 2024 Eurozone Monitor The EZ economy is in the early stages of a cyclical upturn

  • A mini-boom in EZ consumption is coming, judging by the trend in real disposable income growth.
  • The inventory cycle reached a trough in Q1; gross capital formation will rebound from here.
  • Net exports soared at the start of 2024 but will likely be a drag on growth for the rest of the year.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

May 2024 - EZ Economic Chartbook



Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

3 June 2024 Eurozone Monitor Services inflation in the EZ as grim as ever midway through Q2

  • EZ services inflation snapped back in May; it will come down eventually, but this will take a while.
  • The ECB will cut its policy rate this week, but hopes of a July cut are now lost; September is at risk too.
  • EZ consumers’ spending, ex-services, fell in April, but this was mainly due to Easter seasonals in food.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

28 May 2024 Eurozone Monitor German GDP growth will slow in Q2, but the recovery is durable

  • German GDP growth was propelled by construction and net exports in Q1; neither will be sustained…
  • …but growth in manufacturing capex is bottoming out and real income growth is accelerating.
  • We think GDP growth will slow in Q2, to 0.1%, as construction investment and net exports fall back.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

20 May 2024 Eurozone Monitor Sticky services inflation still the key threat to the outlook for rates

  • EZ headline inflation held steady in April, matching the first estimate; core inflation fell slightly.
  • The near-term outlook for energy inflation has improved, but that will change if oil prices rebound.
  • Services inflation is as sticky as ever and will likely rebound in May; insurance inflation is rocketing.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

13 May 2024 Eurozone Monitor European Parliament elections are not a game changer for EU policy

  • Polls point to more seats for the far-right in the European Parliament after June’s vote...
  • ...This will have little bearing on policy, even where the EU has exclusive competencies, such as trade.
  • Any hard-line recommendations from far-right MEPs will likely be watered down by the majority.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

29 April 2024 Eurozone Monitor Upside risk to Q1 GDP growth, and falling core inflation? We think so

  • We look for agreeable data this week; we see upside risk to GDP growth, and downward to core inflation.
  • Money data point to a lift-off in GDP growth over the coming quarters, adjusted for the savings shift...
  • ...But lending figures suggest we are right to think investment will remain depressed in H1.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

April 2024 - EZ Economic Chartbook



Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

22 April 2024 Eurozone Monitor A decade covering the EZ; what have we learnt, and what's next?

  • The Eurozone is still an incomplete currency union, but we think it will carry on regardless.
  • The pandemic and war in Ukraine show that inflation is possible even in a rapidly aging economy.
  • Fiscal activism, inflation and higher interest rates are all here to stay in the EZ, for the foreseeable future.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

15 April 2024 Eurozone Monitor Hunting for early-Easter effects in the German and French CPI

  • Our preliminary forecasts for France and Germany point to downside risks to EZ core inflation in April.
  • A VAT hike on gas in Germany and higher oil prices are near-term upside risks to energy inflation.
  • Italy will struggle to shrink its budget deficit to 3% any time soon; will the EU take note?

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

Global Datanote: ECB Press Conference, April 2024

In one line: The ECB will cut in June, barring a significant shift in its Q2 forecasts.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

8 April 2024 Eurozone Monitor Hard data support our view of a 0.2% increase in EZ GDP in Q1

  • Industrial production in the Eurozone likely jumped in February but fell over Q1 as a whole.
  • Retail sales data point to a subdued EZ consumer in Q1, but the services numbers will look better.
  • Our Nowcast model points to EZ GDP stagnating in Q1, but it is too downbeat; a 0.2% rise is more likely.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

2 April 2024 Eurozone Monitor Early HICP data point to downside risks for EZ inflation in March

  • Early HICP numbers point to downside risks to EZ inflation, but beware Easter effects in Germany.
  • A soaring French budget deficit in 2023 raises the risk of a confidence-denting income tax hike in 2024.
  • The Eurozone money supply data are picking up, supporting a further rebound in the composite PMI.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

March 2024 - EZ Economic Chartbook



Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

11 March 2024 Eurozone Monitor EZ economy at a standstill in Q4; Q1 will be better

  • The EZ economy remained stuck in the mud in Q4; we think growth is now rebounding, slightly.
  • A rise in consumers’ spending and a lift from inventories should be key drivers of growth in 2024.
  • Industrial output in Germany and Spain rose in January, but a plunge in Ireland will drive the EZ headline.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

4 March 2024 Eurozone Monitor Services inflation too hot for an ECB rate cut in April; June it is then

  • Hopes for a spring ECB rate cut have been dashed; we now see the first of four 2024 rate cuts in June.
  • Services inflation in the Eurozone is still running hot; it likely won’t drop much below 3% this year.
  • Absent a negative shock, underlying inflation in the EZ will struggle to return to 2% on a sustained basis.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

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