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27 June 2024 China+ Monitor China's property slump continues despite government efforts

  • China’s property market is still in the doldrums; prices and transactions are falling at pace.
  • The secondary market is suffering bigger price falls due to higher inventory levels and consumer choice.
  • The impact of re-lending facilities will not be felt immediately due to implementation problems.

Kelvin Lam (Senior China+ Economist)China+

27 June 2024 Eurozone Monitor All set for a nail-biting French election first round this weekend

  • Polls point to a parliament split down the middle in France, but the second-round vote is a wildcard.
  • RN’s and NFP’s economic plans will anger bond markets and the EU; Mr. Macron will likely welcome this.
  • Survey data so far point to only a modest hit to sentiment in France from rising political uncertainty.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

27 June 2024 UK Monitor Rebounding GDP growth is slowing labour-market loosening

  • Official labour-market data remain unreliable despite statisticians’ attempts to boost the sample size.
  • Surveys suggest labour-market loosening has slowed as GDP growth has rebounded.
  • The decline in immigration removes one factor that has helped ease the labour market since 2022.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

June 2024 - US Economic Chartbook



Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

25 June 2024 Global Monitor Soaring shipping costs will lift US inflation only slightly

  • US - Trebling of shipping costs likely to add 0.04pp at most to core PCE inflation
  • EUROZONE - EZ PMIs stumbled at the end of Q2; will they pick up again in Q3?
  • UK - The MPC is itching to cut, so two rate reductions this year are likely
  • CHINA+ - Japan’s stagflation conundrum; service sector at risk of stagnation
  • EM ASIA - A reprieve for Singapore’s long-suffering semiconductor sector
  • LATAM - Mexican economy falters amid challenges and uncertainty

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)Global

26 June 2024 US Monitor Services sector hiring holding up for now, but inflation likely to fall sharply

  • The latest services surveys point to lower underlying inflation and a further slowdown in wage growth. 
  • New home sales probably dipped in May, reflecting the rise in mortgage rates since the start of the year. 
  • Conference Board confidence data signal slower spending growth and rising unemployment.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

26 June 2024 LatAm Monitor Colombia's ISE ticks up, but too early for a protracted recovery bet

  • Colombia’s economic activity rebounded in April, but growth momentum likely will be sluggish in H2.
  • Challenges persist amid political and policy uncertainty—hindering investment—and fiscal pressures.
  • The fiscal backdrop, as outlined in the MTFF, presents a complex picture of challenges and commitments.

Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)Latin America

26 June 2024 Emerging Asia Monitor Indirect effects from Malaysia's subsidy removal should be limited

  • Malaysian headline inflation picked up in May due to a sharp rise in the price of streaming services…
  • …It will rise further in June, as the lift from the diesel-subsidy removal shows up in the data.
  • Labour-market tightness also looks set to stoke inflation, changes to administered prices aside.

Moorthy Krshnan (Senior Asia Economist)Emerging Asia

26 June 2024 Eurozone Monitor Spain is outperforming, on and off the football pitch

  • Revisions show that Spanish GDP rose by 0.8% on the quarter in Q1, more than previously thought.
  • More of the same is likely in coming quarters; survey and hard data are positive, especially in services.
  • Spain’s GDP will likely leap by 2.8% this year, in contrast to 0.8% in the Eurozone as a whole.

Melanie Debono (Senior Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

26 June 2024 UK Monitor Forecast review: Cutting through a storm of strong data

  • We upgraded our Q2 GDP growth forecast to 0.4% quarter-to-quarter, close to the MPC’s 0.5% call.
  • Services inflation exceeded MPC forecasts by a widening margin in April and May.
  • So we pushed back our first MPC rate cut to September, but we still expect two cuts by year-end.

Elliott Laidman Doak (Senior UK Economist)UK

UK Datanote: U.K. CBI Industrial Trends Survey, June

  • In one line: The long decline in core goods inflation has no further to run.

Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)UK

June 2024 - China+ Chartbook


Kelvin Lam (Senior China+ Economist)China+

25 June 2024 US Monitor Trebling of shipping costs likely to add 0.04pp at most to core PCE inflation

  • Shipping costs have rocketed, but they likely will add less than 0.1pp to core PCE inflation next year.
  • The spike in shipping costs probably will unwind after tariff-related risks have abated. 
  • Consumer confidence likely dropped in June, with adverse implications for consumption growth.

Ian Shepherdson (Chief Economist, Chairman and Founder)US

25 June 2024 LatAm Monitor Mexico's inflation uptick in June will force Banxico to stay put this week

  • Mexico’s inflation uptick in June signals caution from Banxico; the next rate cut is likely delayed to August.
  • Rising non-core inflation and MXN volatility challenge Banxico’s monetary policy stance.
  • Brazil’s foreign investment inflows show resilience despite economic challenges.

Andrés Abadía (Chief LatAm Economist)Latin America

25 June 2024 Emerging Asia Monitor Forget COE premiums and focus on services in Singaporean CPI

  • Headline inflation in Singapore rose in May, as higher COE prices pushed up transport inflation…
  • …But the real story is core inflation staying at 3.1% for a third straight month, due to sticky services.
  • The Taiwanese retail outlook looks weak for now, but the likelihood of stronger wage growth has risen.

Moorthy Krshnan (Senior Asia Economist)Emerging Asia

25 June 2024 China+ Monitor Korean export rebound spearheaded by AI-related chip shipments

  • Korea’s 20-day exports continued their uptrend in June, thanks to base effects and chip demand.
  • Exports to the US are soaring, while shipments to China rose modestly; but the EU market is still weak.
  • Export value growth is outpacing volume growth, thanks to rising semiconductor prices.

Duncan WrigleyChina+

25 June 2024 Eurozone Monitor Don't jump the gun on Germany's poor survey data for June

  • German surveys turned south in June, but don’t write off the idea of a rebound in growth just yet.
  • Early hard data suggest GDP rose again in Q2, but a fall in construction will weigh on growth.
  • Leading indicators tentatively hint at a bottom in German investment, but the rebound will be slow.

Claus Vistesen (Chief Eurozone Economist)Eurozone

25 June 2024 UK Monitor Just meeting the Budget growth forecasts will be hard

  • Government borrowing forecasts are already based on GDP growth accelerating.
  • The next government needs to boost growth just to fund implausibly weak Budget spending plans.
  • Tax receipts will fall £30B a year below forecasts if productivity and participation match recent trends.

Rob Wood (Chief UK Economist)UK

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